Lani Parker

That would be an interesting storyline, but I am sure Arrow would find some way to make it bland.

It may have been Snyder and the editor under the direction of a studio mandate to cut a half hour from the film. Seriously, how do you cut a half hour of footage from that film and still maintain a smooth flow?

Legends treatment of it generally impersonal and responsible, though. True, this season has White Canary wanting to off Darkh before his actual death, but I am optimistic about how it will play out.

Bitter? Abotu what? Fair enough if you actually like Gotham, but it just wasn't good enough for me to get beyond that weird moment of sexualizing Ivy.

I see what you mean, but these aren't just gangsters. The city has been subject to full on terrorist attacks. That is *some* tenacity.

If by 2ish you mean April 2015, then yeah. :P

The problem is that Flash hit it big and hard with Barry's backstory in season 1 and they have been chasing that high ever since. And it is a shame, because Alchemy seemed like he would be a break from the mold.

That is because half of most of their films are booked for origin stories. Their films have no room to breathe, which why I find the distaste for BvS so puzzling. The film gives you ample time to absorb what's happening and the characters some time to process the whacked out shit that is going on.

After a couple seasons of obscenely OP antagonists? Hell no. He was the first one in a while that was clearly human and fallible. Watching Oliver butt heads with magicked up sorcerers just isn't as fun.

Ah, I wish that had been made clearer, but I guess that is just the way CW is operating. For instance, I only learned of Talia's presence in this season of Arrow through perusing Lexa Doig's wiki page.

Like they would squander an opportunity to have yet another archer. I mean, Nyssa wasn't one either.

Apparently, Talia will be in this season…

Black Siren is still kicking it and she is still playing Laurel on Vixen. If they do intend to have her appear in each of the shows, I hope they have planned isn't forced or weak.

If Tommy is alive somehow, I won't continue. The Lazarus Pit is done for, they can't go down that road, especially when they are refusing to revive Laural.

Legends is my favorite of the four this season. It has had the fewest logical/narrative missteps and rides the line between compelling and fun. The only thing that really baffles me is why is Rip still considered a main/starring character when the show is clearly moving on without him? Are they pulling another Hawkman

It absolutely can't be Merlyn, because he is pretty much confined to Legens this year, Thea is too small/unmotivated to arrow people, Slade is too busy rotting in prison, Roy wouldn't fake die for Oliver just to change his mind a year later. Idk. I am hoping isn't anyone significant, at least at this point. However,

Am I the only one hoping for Julian at some point to yell, "ha, I was really Draco the whole time!" He certainly acts like a Malfoy.

Nope, just some random businessman. They honestly should have just cut him from the episode and focused entirely on the dual plots of Killer Frost outting / Alchemy grasping for Wally.

(which kinda leans into my main gripe with these CW shows - their episode orders are way too damn protracted, leading to a lot of there narrative issues that keep cropping up).

I don't know. Arrow's strongest point isn't the way it structures its overarching season plots. I wouldn't put it past them to fall back on it.