Lani Parker

Which would mean that attempting to frame him would be pointlessly stupid. No one would buy it.

I *reaaaaalllly* hope they stop beating that dead horse. It will start diminishing the greatness of "Fast Enough" if they don't.

I like that we are, essentially, seeing her origin here. DC doesn't always humanize its antagonists, or even attempt to.

For me, that is Arrow. I am actually not digging this season, especially not now that Church is dead and the main bad is apparently Lance. Like, holy shit, are they seriously going to continue continue torturing that family?

Did you leave a couple episodes into season 1? :P

At this point, I think they are putting the time travel to bed. They have pretty much explored it as much as they could and I would honestly be shocked if they let the quality of the writing sink to that degree (I know people slag on Arrow S3-4, but, other than a couple sour episodes, I found them to be fine).

Hey, his derpy hat is/was kinda endearing

I am in between (probs a strong B, light B+). The reviewer seems like he isn't having this season. I do understand why, but I feel the set up in this season is superior to what we got last season. I watch Masters of Sex and as soon as I saw Teddy Sears, I knew he was the bad guy.

ehhhhhhhh, I don't really share the opinion that DC Animated is always hot shit. Then again, I don't watch all of it…

It would have helped her case if she wasn't obviously already resigned to going rogue.

I thought people hated that movie.

I feel like Caitlin has just given up by this point, which is fine. Killer Frost doesn't really get enough attention outside of the comics themselves.

Thankfully, we are getting a sweet diversion in two weeks, so at least we will be free of superamazingspeedsterbaddie for a least one episode.

I hope I am *right about him being the same as Alchemy OR just him being the side villain. Barry NEEDS to have a main antagonist who isn't a speedster. Just like Oliver needs an atagonist that isn't going to destory the whole damn city (seriously, why is ANYONE still living in Star City? They all deserve massive

Boy has grown up and ain't taken shit anymore.

Harry rides that fine line between H.R.'s charm and Eobard's bizarre whisper-talk.

To be fair, how exactly do you say "yeah, I saw us trying to kill each other" to someone terrified of what they are becoming?

No kidding. I am glad that they immediately subverted the trend of the "Wells has a secret agenda" plot.

H.R. is a beautiful motormouth. I can def stick with him until Harry comes back (because it is almost guaranteed to happen again).

Two things: a) I actually found this episode to be stronger than the two preceding it, even with the lame villain of the week and b) I am getting the impression that Savitar and Alchemy are the same entity. I am sure Julian's absence in the latter half of the ep is either a red herring or a set up for something else.