Lani Parker


That is the exact reason I rage quitted during season 1. That phone call between her and Barbara was so mind-numbingly absurd (not just her fake sexy voice, because reasons? but also because of the fact that Barbara actually bought it). It does not suprise me to hear that the writing staff didn't immediately learn how

To be fair, the computer was pretty much helping him along, giving the training wheels version of creating a banned superweapon.

It is a wonder how rarely Black Bat shows up in media outside of the comics.

Renee is never *just* Renee. ;)

The 1 thing she did and you jsut reminded me of the thing that immediately followed their affair, the thing that broke me, made me quit the show. The writing on comic book shows can get bad at times, but that phone call between Barbara and Ivy and the look on Barbara's face afterward just fucking broke me.

Man of Steel drops off for me in the middle. I find it legitimately too long. SS has terrible editing and should have focused on the Squad getting thrown at terrorists /unwinnable situations and maybe evolve into a fugitive scenario in which Waller tries to recapture them, but Enchantress had to be wasted on a blue

:D I never really understood why her hair is dyed in show, but I dig it all the same.

Yeah, Arrowverse can tackle some really heady and visceral topics (Barry's origin and his decision to let it remain intact is definitely up there with the best any piece of DC adaptions have done).

Ye. It isn't on the tier of the Expanse, but it is a really solid show in the vein of SG and Farscape.

Ehhhh, so she probably is getting the Huntress treatment. Meh.

I love Syfy and want so badly for them to succeed, but holy shit did that show get real fuckin stupid.

Or her doppelganger that.. did she die or just run off somewhere? I don't remember that plot point being resolved.

Because Renee already got wasted on Gotham and Idk if anyone really associates Q with anyone but her at this point.

Ideally, and I may be alone in this, Kate and the Question (Renee) would get a 100ish minute feature in which they bust a human trafficking/sexual slavery ring, because FUCK IT a comic book movie actually has to fuckign address it at some point. I mean, we normal people clearly can't do shit about it, so what better

As a person who legitimately loves BvS (even if the execution of the Martha scene was off - why would Clark randomly refer to his mother by her first name if it wasn't a deliberate attempt to manipulate Bruce WHICH IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE if they are doing Injustice), I absolutely do not want the DCEU to flounder. Yes,

I want so bad for the writing to improve, but I guess it is just always going to play fast and loose with even its own bizarro internal logic.

I mean, why the fuck was Renee even in that show? She did fuck all for the 5 episodes she showed up in. And I get the impression that DC is ashamed of wasting her so entirely, because Maggie looks like her.

Maybe it is just me, but unceremoniously dropped storylines piss me oof far more than lackluster ones. Just fucking commit to the bad idea to its logical end so it doesn't damage the flow of the narrative any more than its boringness already has.

Yeah, I thought she was gobsmacked, trying to process it and Alex's non-commital answers.