Lani Parker

For all this show does wrong and will do wrong in the future, it does seem like Handlen is only watching it out of some bizarre sense of obligation. It clearly does not appeal to him on a fundamental level.

It would be better if he was allowed to act more like a human, though. Part of what made Gus so great is that he wasn't just a cold businessman. There was a friendliness to him and a genuine interest in fostering a good working relationship. It makes an antagonist feel a lot less than a plot device.

I saw the humanization of Dwight coming a mile away (when his actor's name got a starring credit), but it was generally the best part of the episode, save the obligatory 'character stumbles into a bunch of zombies' and 'forced backstory of a brand new character who immediately dies'.

It can be, but placing 4 of those commercial breaks in the first 30 minutes (so 12-14 minutes of commercials in that time) really fucks with pacing.

The breaks were oddly placed so that the last 15 minutes of the episode ran uninterrupted.

You know, for a solid 20 minutes there, my stomach was in knots. I actually believed that Sansa had fumbled her back up plan? and that would be it for the lads of the North. Glad they didn't pull some "Jon is too weakened by the battle" bs at the end there. If he can handle being trampled like that, he can beat the

yead, buddy! :D

Watch him get merc'd next episode (the preview certainly doesn't contradict it).

Better than her banishing him for a third damn time just for him to come crawling back yet again.

They are Victor in this scenario. Eh, minus wanting to fuck Lucy.

Hey, loo, dicks have come back to GoT!

Holy shit, this episode went straight for the jugular. Down another Direwolf.

Sounds like it designed to make people think twice before doing something creative.

Who the hell boos a movie, especially critics? I can't think of anything (verbal) more unsophisticated than doing such.

He might be worthy of the throne after his 8th or 9th death.

And his knownothingness. He is quite literally failing upwards.

No, I have to agree. She has been unbearably wishy washy when it comes to her values so it nice to see her go, "fuck it, I am a murderer now."

I agree. I was thinking, "she is acting way too cocky for someone who is going to let these dweebs decide her fate." I am not going to miss any of them.

As soon as she started reaching for the knife, I was like, 'no! This won't end well for you!" Where is Stahma when you need her?

He is swiping so hard.