Lani Parker

Well, Rickon has finally been brought back into the fold.

Translation: she is terrified of being seen as a bad lay.

Roose, as it turns out, was no brighter than Robb. Someone should really tell these people to watch their backs (and ribs) around wild, unpredictable people.

And they are blazing right through it. Two episodes in and faceless man is already like, 'eh, you are forgiven.'

Idk. His bannermen seem no less sadistic than him.

Eh, I would say it was about level with last week. Sure, the pacing was better, but a far fewer things of consequence happened. Both these episode have felt like wrap up for season 5 so we can all just move on from its mediocrity.

It has to be fear. They must be terrified of going against him.

Given that Jon has already resurrected, I am hoping for THAT battle to happen this season.

Honestly, this was the best one of the back half, though that isn't saying much. And I fucking seriously do not get the dislike towards Morgan. He is the MVP of the show, the only one who makes sense. I mean, out main crew are heading into a shitstorm they brought upon themselves because of how fucking gungho they are

I helps that it doesn't focus on them trying to 'win' cases of the week.

To be fair, if it were any other shows, he'd have already fully healed by now.

While I doubt he will go full on Saul before next season, I think we will see more shades of him very soon.

Such a perfect throwback.

Nah, she is the og lesbo.

Gah, this show. Just kill off someone important already so I can care again. Everything feels like stalling right now.

Where the fuck is Tara in all this?

I don't get why people are in such a hurry for his arrival. There is more than enough going on already. Let it happen naturally.

Apparently, one episode this season will have more segments of current day Jimmy. What that ultimately will look like is not known.

Yeah, he is clearly biased in his viewpoint.

I am sure there are fanboys out there who ar epissed that it was Hector instead of Gus (guys, Gus will not be showing up for a while - he is still under Eladio's thumb).. That being said, holy shit, it did not take long for the Salamancas to come sniffing.