Lani Parker


Stop saying things that make Dany less loathsome.

Putting his back half into perspective, the first ep was terrible (not budging on that, it was fucking stupid from beginning to end), the second wasn't much better, then next two improved, but were still kinda so so for the series and this one is forgettable. Glad to see they took all the potential of Morgan vs Carol

It is all filler until Negan shows up and fucks their shit up.

Oi, then I am really not looking forward to seeing how they drag this shit out.

Okay, this episode is actually good. And from preview of next ep, it seems like we will be seeing Negan before the finale.

You see a guy screaming and whipping his weapon around wildly and you don't automatically make the connection that he is not all there upstairs? I fear for your survival instincts.

The thing that pisses me off is that there are shades every so often of the show's potential, what it could amount to, and it constantly falls short. And it ends up hurting shows like The Expanse, because people look at them and see them as a cheaper TWD, when they are actually better written and conceived.

'Also I'll say that as a comics reader, most of this episode was exactly what I was hoping for.'

Wow, the first time in a while I feel the show has genuinely earned a C-, and it gets a B(-). Sorry, guys, but I honestly did not give a fuck about this episode. Hated how they just immediately wasted ALL the saviors in that room and during the sequence where the kid bugged out, I couldn't tell if it was really

That scene is like the best thing ever, as was Mulder's reaction.

An agonizing wait. I am so hyped for it.

A horror western starring Kurt Russell? It's called Hateful Eight.

I know alot of people are connecting the PercyxPierre thing with Garnet, but did anyone else see it a commentary on Lasper? There is even a part of the conversation where it is brought up that the guys only have a small amount of screen time together.

This was definitely a very emotional episode and I like how the characters are shaping up within the plot itself *cough*Anderson*cough*. But holy cow, we are already halfway through! This season is flying by.

Didn't have a chance to watch this last night, but just gotta say, this is easily one of my favorite episodes of any season this year. I loved everything, but if I had to key into one moment, it would be the last moments of Thack with that score and the frenzy of the characters. You can totally see it coming, but it

Definitely a B+ episode.

Is it just me or did it look like Jim decapitated Stan?

The suicide makes perfect sense. Gummer even tells Jim that revealing to him that he is the reason his wife died would be too much.

No, they are decent for WGN.