Lani Parker

Holding out my grade of the episode until my second watch tomorrow, but I feel inclined to agree that is wasn't quite as good as the pilot. Also, the trailers spoiled the end of the episode which meant that one scene you mentioned wasn't as intense as it should have been. I have noticed a trend amongst 10 episode

I had a feeling it would premiere soft, but goddamn. People really won't watch Syfy unless it is goofy shit.

Tonight was the pilot. Tomorrow is just episode 2. I think the higher prod values made them toss out the idea of a 90 minute premiere.

Oooh, damn. I actually haven't checked that out yet.

The 44 minute run time can be a bitch.

Dominion was a weird beast for me, but I always found it superior to stuff like Helix. I remembered that we both enjoyed 12 Monkeys. Honestly, I am just glad to have something fill the Defiance hole in my heart.

I love it so far. Not really sure if it means you will, though.

Honestly, if the composer has the chops, it could go very Breaking Bad on us (where the music is memorable and fits each situation but doesn't stand out to the point of being distracting).

Indeed, they focused on the right stuff and managed to make the other crew members (that we saw) feel like more than cardboard. Also, the belters actually look really good. They obviously don't look quite as tall as they should, but they definitely mesh with the other pieces of the setting.

I have read grumblings about the book series going off the rails in later entries. Is that true?

Yeah, it is actually really classy. I am all for the Bear McCreary bombast we have had in recent years, but it is nice to hear something entirely different for once.

Goddamn, that was everything I wanted it to be. Sure, Banks' role as the former XO was sooooo brief, but he got some good stuff in before he checked out.

Yeah, for the most part, the series remains true to the era. Here is to hoping Edwards gets some kind of karmic revenge on Gallinger, even if it pales in comparison to what that fuckstick has done.

It is the whole 'dreamy' thing he has going and how it makes the tone shaky. For a every moment I could take Hannibal seriously, there was a dude wearing a monster suit that he made believing himself to be a bear or a tree planted in the middle of parking lot overnight. I generally don't have an issue with fantastical

Indeed, they couldn't. People often have the stunning ability to be an unobjective as possible sometimes.

I think he is definitely involved in the scheme to release those infected with the plague into the general population and the fact that she is very likely to go to the police would force his hand.

People, sometimes…

For me, the fervor around Fargo would be more understandable if those same people didn't act like TD Season 2 is the worst season of 2015 *gag*.

More overrated than The Leftovers? I actually have been meaning to respond to you on that. While I thoroughly enjoyed this past season, I also didn't think it was as good as the reviews were making it out to be. The show holds my attention, or it did a much better job of it this year than last, but it definitely has

Like I said, Edwards is one of my favorite characters in fiction. He is a very believable progressive black man at the turn of the century: pushing back hard enough to accomplish some amazing things and challenge the ideas of the time, but not going so far as to to put himself in an unrealistic socially compromising