Lani Parker

Oh she is definitely being abused! I am just glad that the show is not taking the easy route with it and having her continue to push back.

He had a dude tailing Neely all the time and it is absolutely in his character.

I love Dead Like Me, but I have reservations for American Gods because his general aesthetic just falls a bit flat for me.

I realize that she is struggling with her guilt, but holy hell was that cruel.

I think we all have those one or two shows that get a lot of critical love that we just don't feel the same about. For me, it is Fargo and Hannibal. The Americans used to be on that list, but it grew on me a lot during season 3.
Saul is basically everything I love about Breaking Bad, just with different characters and

While I thoroughly enjoy The Americans, I didn't love it that much and Fargo is so not for me. I should have just dropped it when all of the fish dropped out of the sky.

He has that ability to be just sympathetic enough until the next moment he goes into full blown racist mode again.

I actually enjoyed the previous episode over the Ball.

The whole scene, I was like "no fucking way he would murder his sister and father like that." Or rather, I was hoping.

Why wouldn't you assume is will be great? ;)

I haven't been doing a lot of commenting these past few months (and not at all this season), but I feel compelled to do so now. While this season is not quite as fantastic as the previous season, it still blows the lid off of everything else year save Better call Saul. There are just so many elements of it that make

Maybe it is just me, but I mostly enjoyed Fear. Actually, at this point it had a better season than TWD. It is stunning to me just how much better the games are than the show. In only 10 episodes, the games manages to crush me harder than even Game of Thrones when it gets shit right.

You are right. Whitney was on her annoying A game this episode. I kinda wanted to throw my remote at the tv.

Which just shows how much of a fucking idiot he is. That girl don't have a boyfriend.

Or Morgan, although I am really getting the impression that Carol will off Morgan.

Won't be long before it turns into open hostility.

I am really fucking annoyed that the writers chose not to seize this opportunity to diverge from the comics again like they did with Carol and Sophia. Right now, it is just a waiting game until Glenn dies the way he really dies.

Well, I don't consume alcohol so….

The writers seem to have a better idea of what they are doing lately. They have gone bonkers after strings of good episodes before, but they seem to be steadily getting better.

It definitely is possible, but the fact that he is billed as regular this season makes me think there is a lot more to his character development yet.