Lani Parker

Everyone on the is an asshole, especially Jones. Her goal point for point the same as Ramse's. It is just that a different set of billions will die in her plan.

I am curious to see if they leave that mystery for season 2.

I get the feeling some one goes back further in time and gives her father the idea. This week we saw Cole unwittingly giving Leland the idea that the corpse contained the virus.

If it is particularly bad, I hope they don't show it. And I have already forgotten the trailer for next week. This week had me sighing too much.

Helix discussion: after multiple weeks of improving, this is dangerously close to losing the plot again. Between making Peter a serial killer with the suddenly manipulative matriarch backing him, the baby transplant story and Sommer becoming a parody of himself, I don't know if I should optimistic of the season's

I was going to B- tonight's episode until the latter half (specifically the scene in Goines' holding cell). I appreciate what they were doing with Ramse's incarceration, but it is was too rushed for me. Based on the trailer for next week, it seems like these two episodes are build up for the finale which will probably

She is becoming quite adept at that espionage.

Damn straight. You saw how she talked about dying in a hospital bed or in front of the tv. Better to go out in an exciting way.

At least it would be an epic way to die.

Is it just me or was there a continuity error when Martha went to answer the phone? She tells him to stir for her and not a moment later, the pasta is already in the bowl.

2 more episodes (total of 10).

Damn, maybe I was just asleep.

Interesting thought. It does look to be colossal.

Sure, and I doubt she will get preggers, but I have no doubt she will regret this relationship if he keeps on like he is.

There still hasn't been a resolution to that, though. It is implied that next week there will be.

Thankfully, next season will be longer.

But it will inevitably feed into Jimmy's story. Jimmy is technically his lawyer as of BrBa

I was surprised to see it mentioned (this is back in 2002!).

I mention it, because I think it is thematically relevant. With the Hamlin trash, it was about the Kettlemans and they eventually fell into his lap. I think the dumpster kick is indicative of how wrong this case will go.

Also, did anyone catch the parallel of the trash kicking? He easily kicks around the trashcan at the HHM office, but one hit to the dumpster lays him out on his ass.