Lani Parker

I indeed was.

Chuck dropping that bombshell, holy hell. I am really going to miss this show when the season ends.

It seems like some people don't understand the medium of television. Yes, you can tell longer form stories, but they still have to be focused.

Which is funny, cause I actually don't mind him. He was a tad annoying at first, but at least he isn't backstabber.

Idk. It is like they brought Montoya on just to break up Gordon and Barbara. Ok.

When he said she is was sweet and yet pushed to start banging right then, I was like "fuck you, asshole."

When Ian and Mickey entered the house and Sammi was sitting there waiting for them, I was like, "no you fucking didn't!" Yes, she did. And she is going to pay for it.

I have a feeling it will always be an issue for TWD/GoT. Oh well. We have Better Call Saul and the like now.

I keep watching it for the same reason I watch Game of Thrones: that they will eventually learn how to balance the million characters they have or keep killing people off until they have a manageable cast.

Season 4 is weird. The trek to Terminus was boring as shit, but it also advanced the characterization a lot further than previous seasons.

I found this episode to be legitimately great. In fact, this season, for the most part, has been great and I am saying this as someone who outright quit with season 2.

This episode was amazing.

Are you saying TWD doesn't do tension well or is that your coping mechanism?

He is weeping in the trailer, so maybe not him.

At first I was like, "never thought I would hear The Fragile on the Walking Dead", but I just went with it.

Personal opinion time: it may be early to say, but I think this may be my new favorite episode of the season. Sure, it doesn't have the shock value of 503, but holy hell was it tense. I am actually excited about this show again. I didn't even think that was possible anymore. The show is legitimately going in a

Yeah, I really don't all the people who say he is unlikable. Yeah, he is an asshole, but he is exactly the kind of character/actor who should be lead in a show like this.

Move over Better Call Saul, THIS is the new best spin off.

Also, Ballaseros' death probably lost the show all of its fangirls. Unless he somehow survived that tumble.

Ah, that certainly seem to be the case.