Lani Parker

I got flashbacks of the heist.

Indeed. They did his character justice which makes up for his goof up that got him killed.

The fly is a beast of legend within state limits.

A+ for Mike crying, something I never thought I would ever see.

I am beginning to miss Winter.

Homegirl isn't shy about admitting it. I have known some people like that.

Her plotline would deadend with Jimmy, though.

It probably ran away in the first place.

So, Noah, are you getting killed off or not? Because the Father, fraud and lesbian disappear for episodes at a time, but you always show up. Didn't you get cast in another show or are you going to do both? I ask because from the way the production made it sound, you should have been long gone by now.

To contrast this show with BrBa, serious shit was going down every episode and character archs were more concise. In this show, it seems like they get way too comfortable with their 16 episode orders and just thrown in a bunch of characters and scenes no one is going to care about because they feel forced.

I want Ricktatorship because it will split the group. I am so fucking sick of the group being treated like it is rock solid. Don't think I didn't notice the uncomfortable looks during the slaughter of the termites.

It is like they are contracted to shoot a minimum number of scenes in each location or something. That would explain the stilted writing.

You can never be too anything. Being immoderate in anyway will get you killed. Rick is becoming too aggressive, creepy, suspicious. It will come to bite him in the ass.

Carol and Daryl scenes were the best parts of the episode and it absolutely is filler. It looks like everything before the finale will be filler which is a shame because last week was legitimately great tv.

There are advantages and disadvantages to it. Unfortunately, it materializes in a lot of harping over the same things.

So I guess the doctor is now Rick in this equation. Show, just stick to what you are good at it, because symmetry ain't it.

It's got the violence, the humor, the diversity.

I kinda want it, tbh

Rick's a dick.

Imagine Carol at the Emmy's!