Lani Parker

They really want her to be on the Ricktator's side.

I think they are just laying the groudwork in the off chance they do decide to got that way. Besides, who wouldn't want to hang out with Aaron? He is the only one you don't want to punch in the face.

I am incredibly curious to see who they got for the role. Watch them troll us by making him Brian's forgotten twin brother.

Sounds like the fangirls are ten steps ahead of the writers.

He will tell them it is the boogeyman and he won't be wrong.

So, without going to far into the comics, is it possible we will be seeing you know who in the finale?

Looks like he will start shooting stuff next week,

Daryl vs Rick is a dynamic I yearn for.

She will probably get got in a random scene in some house where she is staring intently at pictures.

In all honesty, I buy it. Who would a redneck prefer to hang out with: two gay men who have shown they are trustworthy and have some sense of the danger that surround them or a bunch of yuppies who have nothing better to talk about than pasta machines?

I doubt she will burn out like him, though.

NOMINATE. HER. FOR. AN. EMMY. ALREADY. If she gets killed off before she gets recognition, then the awards are officially bunk. Even with how haphazard this show is at times, she is always great.

I think someone finally told that people in the next set over can't actually hear him through the wall. He doesn't want to be inconsiderate other productions, ya know!

Ugh god, we are only a few months out from Summer (which means more of wishing Corey Stoll got a better post House of Cards gig).

Talk about Queen Nothing. How many people are still alive at that Abbey? 5 guards?

I am excited for next week. It certainly looks like it will all kick off. And it will be interesting to see what Ramse does in these new circumstances.

I am willing to forgive it, because the show has been great about not jerking us around up till now.

Yeah, definitely. Next episode, 2043 peeps essentially go to war.

Emily is right, the reveal was kinda wonky.

Yeah, I am just going to say that for the time being Helix is good now. Barring some awkward deliveries here and there, the show is no longer a drag and the goofy elements no longer eclipse the show's potential.