Lani Parker

For the first couple seconds, I was like WTF, but then I caught on.

Killers know killers and all. For the first time in forever, I am actually genuinely excited about the direction the show can take.

Oh, well sorry for being a bitch. Yeah, it was jarring to see her dressed like that.

I think she recognizes Carl could easily sniff her out. That is why she is a dick to him.

Anyone else think that girl who hates Carl will turn out to be a member of Negan's group? That would explain Rick's missing firearm (she was heading right for it which we know because Carl spontaneously shows up when Rick runs into trouble).

You're kidding right? This is the best episode since Termites in the Church.

Please show, please let Rick go full Walter White. The series will be 10 times better with the group turning on the only truly decent people they have met so far and each other.

Fuck Negan, Rick Grimes for next antagonist.

She's playing the long con. You should have realized that the moment she said she missed her husband.

For like 5 minutes.

Huh, when did I say I didn't want a second season?

These past two have been watchable. You may have to power through the boring episodes to understand them, but it is starting to become worth it.

Six, actually. I am not sure how they will play it, but maybe her tears tipped him off.

It's an improvement. I am saying the series might have something in it yet.

This season they have a dual story line taking place in the current day and thirty years later (which makes for a fitting pairing with 12 Monkeys)

Let's put it this way, I can actually sit through an episode without feeling the need to constantly divert my attention.

If we get another season (highly unlikely given the ratings), I can imagine that Aaron Stanford probably won't be returning.

Syfy has really been turning around. Even Helix has been improving.

It would make for a fitting re interpretation of the film.

Damn, this episode was good. I in no way believe Cole is gone for good, but the emotional impact of his apparent death here felt earned which is rare with with time travel sci fi. I also love it the fact that the production is going placed. I don't know how much is actually shot on location, but it all looks real.