Lani Parker

Damnit, I still miss his character.

I need that commercial.

So essentially, be a pleb or die sooner? Fuck, internet!

Did they not train her the same way?

Why hasn't the meme already started?

I was duped into the guy said "hurry up." Then I went "….wait. So that is why the chose that particular cold open for this episode."

I think for me, it would be A-, A, A-, B+

I am glad that Chuck is playing a bigger role in the show than I had imagined. I think in anyone else's hands, his plot would be a dead end.

Well, it isn't like she has a ton of options, at the moment. All the other women are taken/straight and Carol.

She had a scene this week! She was standing next to Maggie.

I am curious how/when Noah will get got. They already kinda spoiled the fact that he won't be becoming a regular.

Maggie is married to a dude who is fast becoming unstable like Rick. Michonne only has eyes for Rick. And it has already been established that she pervs on Rosita.

*sigh* This is exactly why I think The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones try to juggle way too many characters.

Actually, I agree with my professor who used the sphere analogy. Still, she has fallen within "total dyke" the whole time now. The moment she starts making eyes at any dude I will change my mind.

Just when you think society is changing…NOPE

Sorry, but I don't agree. This episode was far more engaging than anything else since 503.

She macked on that dumbass who got shot by the dead little girls.

Daryl would have just told him to walk it off.

Not filler at all. They just introduced Alexandria.

Exactly. Apparently Zack doesn't care about her character enough to remember her. :P