Lani Parker

I am of a mixed mind when it comes to Anna's situation. On the hand, she has been lied to and mistreated by those who care about her. On the other, I have been in a relationship where my gf was sexually assaulted and clammed up. I wasn't as pushy as Mr Bates, but I can attest to be it being torture when the one you

I thoroughly enjoyed this pilot and feel it is best Syfy has had in years. Still, there is still room for the series to fall apart if the writers aren't careful. Helix looked promising last year and we all know how that went.

The funniest part of this review is the claim that Fargo is excellent. The show was okay until it imploded in its last three episodes.

She needs a new show, like one she is actually relevant to, because so far she might as well not be there.

If I was her, I would be worried that a 10(?) yo girl was claiming to be involved with Jim. At this point, the writing is so bad, I half expect Barbara and Ivy to get into a catfight over it with Ivy not understanding what the fight is even about, Selina and Bruce on the sidelines hyuking and Jim and Harvey looking on

I am giving this show two more episodes to win me over. There are way too many new and returning shows this year I want to spend my free time on that I just can't waste it on stuff like this. I should have known why the James Spader mugs for the camera show is the only series on broadcast television I care to watch.

The phone call he received in Alison's half.

Damn, now I want Christopher Walken to guest star next season as a transvestite pirate.

I am hoping for the return of the toxic avenger.

And Alison was really his sister. Why can't every Showtime show be Masters of Sex? Sure, some people find it boring, but it always maintains its dignity. It never goes too soapy and commits to the tone it started with.

I just got scared for a minute wondering if Noah will become a lumberjack during the next season finale.

I am going to guess Whitney.

Possibly. It depends on how traumatizing that event was for them. Cops expect people to contradict each other after horrible shit happens. I just worry that the show's ambition will cause it to implode next year.

My bet is that they were both fully invested in their affair with minimal misgivings and feel little to remorse about leaving their families.

The series seems to imply at the time of the framing device (several years later).

Yeah, given that we have pretty much caught up with the framing device, they should rethink the structure for next season. But, like you said, the mains just aren't that well defined. We know they apparently are in love with one another and that it wasn't just a fantasy (even though everyone kept talking about it like

I hope she listens to criticism of this season and adjusts the structure for next season.

I forget swimmer's name, but if Noah's recollection is to be trusted, she wanted it bad.

She has a point about the stressful moments make people remember things in wildly different ways, but one would think at one point Alison would have mentioned nothing nonconsenual was going in that one scene (especially given that they are apparently married now).

Eh, it is pretty low on my list, tbh. I mean, it is in the solid B/B+ range, but it really has been noncommittal. It is doesn't know if it wants to be Mad Men subtle or Masters of Sex dramatic. I would love either one, but this much will never tip an A for me.