Lani Parker

I totally did not catch the reveal of the detective's orientation. Like I said before, soapyness isn't bad and honestly the really subtle character stuff they were doing in the beginning could only last so long in a show about a murder mystery.

You mean, sis, bro.

Subtlety and audiences don't mix very well, I find. Unless you have your leads scissoring on screen and going on endlessly about their relationship, there will always be someone who goes , "I don't see it." Then again, women are weird because for some people, their sisterly relationship looks a lot like a someone

Yea, you right.

Maybe Maggie will turn to Tara for some comfort in the spring season.

Everyone was awesome in this, but especially Varrick and Zhu Li. That had to be the most unique and enjoyable proposal I have seen.

Eh, you will be alright. It happens to all of us at some point.

I was surfing around today and caught glimpses of Korrasami shippers fangirling over the last episode so I knew going into that there was a possibility something legit happened.

There would have been a riot if there was no lezzing.

I agree with you. I am not bothered by the direction the show took. There will 2 or 3 more space shows on Syfy next year, anyway.

The season got better as it went along (I outright loved episode 6), but it was really rough in the beginning and there was a full hour where I was too disappointed to speak. I think I built this show up in my head to an unfair degree so it could only disappoint me at the start.

I don't really see how it is cocky. Nielsen shouldn't apply to channels that don't air commercials.

I doubt it will go there. The show flirted a bit with becoming a drug drama and that got dropped as quickly as it arrived.

Of course. it isn't great (yet), but I really like the lead. I also hope that Lara from The L Word doesn't just get killed off.

Yes, I do know what delusional means. And yes I do know that you are letting your bias shape your opinions (and I am aware I am, too). The difference between me and you is that I don't like something is garbage just cause certain elements aren't as well done as other "top" shows. There are plenty of "top" shows I

No, actually, I don't. I am just not delusional. My favorite shows of the year are: The Knick, True Detective, Masters of Sex, etc. Pull your head out of your ass sometime, you might find you enjoy life more.

Yeah, the first season was really uneven and had one of the worst pilots I have seen in years. They have really managed to turn it around.

I really hope not. Their content in general has been on an upswing lately (Defiance was even better than last year; Z Nation was tolerable for most of its run; Dominion didn't make me roll my eyes as hard as Helix) and this show could be a great companion for The Expanse.

Apparently, Syfy wants a new BSG so they are trying out the same strategy they did there (start with a mini-series and if people like it, green light a series). Given that this is the time of the year where literally nothing is on (Sorry Jane), it actually makes sense to air it now.

Maybe it is just me, but soap opera elements does not immediately = bad. Anything can work well if it is executed the right way for the story being told.