Lani Parker

While I really like Emily Rios and Matthew Lillard, The Bridge just didn't hold my interest. There was always something off about the writing.

A part of me wishes that they had written that part out and just made the episode about the aftermath of the reveal that Joe was having a thing with Danny/caused his death.

The are problematic, but there is truth in what she is saying. Making Danny's mom the killer would have crossed a line a lot of people would have been unhappy with.

Then again, she gets to do her freakouts which are quality.

My nose is rather clean, thank you.

I actually really enjoyed it. The father's transition to creeper was indeed well done and I like that they chose to end it where/how they did. I doubt there will be a second season due to the terrible viewership Gracepoint has had, but if Fox were to renew it, I would check it out.

I seriously don't get people who hate watch things. Anything I feel is a low D/F in its premiere gets dropped faster than a hot plate. Even C pilots/premieres only get 2 or 3 eps out of me to show what they can do.

Fair enough, Grandpa.

I love that they went into the direction no one expected. The mild endorsement of Pewdiepie and LPers reminded me of the the first couple seasons where they would take unconventional stands on topics and you, as the viewer, were put in a position to rethink your opinion.

Either Helen truly sees him the way he described in the last episode, or she is using his perception of their relationship as venom in attacks on him. Either way, she definitely wants him as her punching bag.

All the interpretations I have ever heard of Romeo and Juliet painted the title characters' relationship in a negative light so it was interesting to hear Noah argue the opposite.

Michael and Gavin in particular tend to inspire rabid fans (who spurn the so called "B team") so I can understand where the resentment came from. Indeed, not everything they do is funny. Their GTA and Minecraft videos have reached a point where they are only occasionally funny-when they have a genuinely entertaining

Exactly. Even Rockstar themselves acknowledged them.

Oh, I knew it was only a matter of time before people started slinging shit at Rooster Teeth. Let's just ignore that fact that Red vs Blue recontextualized the Halo universe in a rather ingenious way and that Let's Plays have been a recent development for their AH branch and just dismiss them because "screeches".

That settles it. The monster has to be called Etsy Dino.

So, is that Battle Angel film never going to happen?

In Fargo? They jumped more than a year into the future 40 minutes into episode 8.

Best DC news this year.

HELL YES. It is the only thing she has been on since BrBa worthy of her anyway.

Probably about 3-4 years.