Lani Parker

It's been too damn long since I played this last.

Better yet, just thirty seconds of a (bad) a capella version of theme with the date on screen.

Granted, we aren't going several years forward, but we are jumping at least to Christmas. As far as Scotty's death goes, I think it probably happened a few days/weeks before the present timeline started as it makes more sense that they would be interrogated soon after it happened (unless this show is like an extended

Not exactly. There are times when it explodes. It just juggles way too many characters.

I doubt he is the killer, though.

I had a feeling before this episode that episode 8 would be a time jump episode in much the same way as Fargo and it seems I was right. And i like it here better than I did there.

It strikes me a bit vindictive.

Open relationships are the way to go if one person isn't enough for you. XD

This felt kinda like a Mockingjay part 1 or a Death Hallows part 1. All set up, virtually no bang. The scenes with that cop were pretty sweet. The trailer for the next episode seemed to imply that Rick will be going all Governor on someone.

We live in a time in which lyric videos have budgets.

What children are watching Sons of Anarchy?

Given that I enjoy The Blacklist, I am hoping SoA doesn't turn out to be awful. But given that Network shows are typically not my thing, I don't expect to keep it in my viewing roster long (I dropped Constantine on week 3).

At this point, I care less about who is in it and more about if the second season will be anywhere near as good as the first one. Please, Nic Pizzolatto don't be a one hit wonder.

Damn, girl. I wasn't expecting you to turn on the show this quick. ;) Personally, I think I prefer it this way. You are right, there is no logical reason for them to continue this structure as it was clearly designed to fit the interrogation (although, it appears we will be getting more of it next week so ????).

Damn, Noah, you burned her bad. Like, you had good reasons for doing so that no one can really fault you for, but you have wound up doing even more damage.

I reallllllly hope Melissa McBride doesn't get passed up for an Emmy nom again next year. Seriously, acknowledge this woman before the writers choose to kill her off for reals.

I didn't mind her actually, but the whole thing did play out in a predictable manner. And just as well, too. I mean, it is was too late to be introducing new regulars.

Christmas just came early for me. My interest int his film was hinging on whether or not Harley Quinn would be in it.

I get the feeling this is the last we will see of this set of characters during the Fall so I look forward to seeing how the writers choose to continue that plotline in the Spring. Also, I get the impression that if his family hadn't run off, they probably wouldn't have survived up to this point.

Even better than last weeks and I am glad that they flipped the perspectives this week and gave us more time with Alison. It gave us just enough of her mother so that she ascended above a goofy stereotype and just enough of Whitney's situation. And I get the impression that Oscar is just the kind of guy who enjoys