Lani Parker

I think you are in the minority here.

For a second there, I thought she was hinting that she had in fact been sleeping with Scotty.

Idk if I would give this episode a full A, but I am glad that they both did the reveal and did it the way they did. Thinking about it now, there would have been very few good opportunities for the narrative to have him blurt it out, especially after this point.

I said it in my earlier comment last night, but I think the detective is messing with them in different ways to see how they react (why else would he give two starkly different versions of his personal life?). This leads me to believe that he considers them his main suspects even if he hasn't presented it that way.

Her perspective is almost always more somber than his, with dark weather to match, but that can be every bit as misleading and fictitious even if it is coming from a genuine place. Of the two perspectives, I believe his version of the Bluffs conversation more than hers.

Definitely the best episode so far and I am glad they are choosing to keep the affair emotionally ambiguous for them both. And as mentioned in the notes, the best part of this episode outside of their interactions with each other were the conflicting stories they got from the detective which I think was deliberate on

Solid episode, although about midway through the episode i called Noah as being the one Daryl tells to come out at the end of ep 3.

There are some things this episode did better than the pilot (better pacing, better character development, Leisha Hailey), but it still isn't good. The show really needs to get its act together if it wants to avoid getting burned off on an unpcoming weekend.

I think I would have called her bluff. What was she going to do? Murder Kathy in her own office?

Ah, "edgy" the worst descriptor in advertising. Seriously, what does it even mean? Most shows that are called edgy don't have teeth.

Honestly, I doubt they will off her. They could have so many times already.

I was expecting the therapist to shove him over the railing when it became clear he was accusing her. I have been watching too much good tv.

I know, I know, but that is the type of show we are watching.

I think Selina's current role is to perv on Bruce until something in the main plot involves her. They are making it increasingly obvious that she is already infatuated with him and I am actually quite fine with it.

I think they don't want to spoil the DC reveal by talking about it too much.

I'm still not sold on that, tbh.

I think she made good on her promise to leave.

Ah, that sickened feeling I got when they merc'd Garet and his crew just shows how much I liked him as a bad guy and how much I wanted to him to stick around. Why did we get 24 episodes of the Governor and only 4 of him?

That is pretty much my thought process. I feel like her testimony is faulty in that even years on she may not be entirely self aware of she came across in her interactions with him.

I found myself significantly more engaged in this episode than the previous two due in large part to the city hall plot point and while Noah is still being painted as the more unreliable one in some ways, it is fun trying to parse out how all these events may have actually gone down.