Lani Parker

I agree.

For me, a C- or D. This episode felt like two hours condensed into one, which I suspect may be a result of writing Liv out of the series and hastily pasting that Zed scene on at the end.

Whoa, a B+? Usually I am kinder to a given episode than Av Club, but this must be one of the exceptions. I really did not like this pilot. As usual for Broadcast tv, the show was in such a hurry to get through all of its plot points that nothing really stuck for me besides Constantine's wit. Hannibal may have bored me

I haven't seen Broadchurch (when I learned that this would be a nearly identical series but with a different end, I decided to check this one out first). I am familiar with her sense of humor so I can see how she can fit that role better.

It sucks so hard that Carnivales' shitty production schedule killed the show. 5 seasons worth of story that will never be seen.

The worst part is that anyone who has seen Carnivale was pretty much doomed to dislike this from the start.

Eh, the dinner invitation ambiguity struck me as genuine. She did say she would do it and she was probably just trying to get it over with.

I trust your judgment so I won't bother returning. Sad, too, because I reaaaaaally like Emma Roberts.

Maybe I am being reactive. It just always hits a nerve when a character verbally beats up on another.

So I gave up on this after two episodes. Am I missing anything?

You mean the Hot Fuzz lady? That reminds me, I still haven't seen Tyrannosaur.

So her asshole behavior to her mother is justified? I mean, she wasted no time baring her fangs at her. I am half expecting her to say she thinks the mother is in on it or like severely abused at some point because she certainly acts like it.

I certainly enjoyed watching the mom getting knocked down a peg. I mean, I feel for her losing her kid and finding out her husband has cheated on her, but she is a complete ass to everyone.

Ok, seriously? Does Anna Gunn have some giant invisible bullseye on her back that I don't know about? It seems like every time I turn around critics are calling her annoying.

I think Selina does the things she does just to be a dick.

I actually wasn't too bothered by the early exchanges. I preferred them over what this episode could have been if the writing was like the last two seasons.

This episode was better than the pilot and I find myself caring a little bit more about the bigger picture.

I don't want to make assumptions so far ahead of the next season, but I am pretty sure Frank is dead. Occam has been gunning for him this whole time so I doubt they would risk keeping him alive.

So The Knick just officially took the spot of my favorite show of the year. I am completely jazzed to see where they go next year.

I guess I don't pay enough attention to current events.