Lani Parker

I have to say that I really didn't enjoy this one. It was yet another example of the fact that show has probably overstayed its welcome and attempted the same tired joke yet again. Jimmy and Timmy are funny characters but it is increasingly rare that they are given something interesting to do.

I actually kinda liked this episode, probably due solely to Oswald who despite his bare bones characterization is so damn fun to watch. I do hope the general episode structure improves, though. This one seemed even more haphazard than usual.

Yeah, TD was at times vague but those detectives were always characters in and of themselves. Right now, this is guy little more than a plot device.

I don't know if I would call his version smooth necessarily. Definitely less of a creeper. I love how both characters see the other as an unwanted seducer.

Yeah, Noah was not having a good day that day.

I think he had a moment where he thought, "yeah, you're a teenager now. I should probably expect you to do stupid shit."

Don't worry, all of these shows will be getting C's for days before long. Even MoS got a couple Cs.

I don't know about the interrogation framing device yet. It felt a bit too on the nose and I spent the whole episode wondering why the fed seems to care so much about the affair. I mean, I know people resent cheaters but I really hope they dial that back in future episodes or at least make his dialogue a lot less

The first season.

Yes! This show is firing on all cylinders again. Here is to hoping that it keeps it for the rest of the season. Keeping Garrett around will definitely go a long way in making that possible.

You just love the sex! (me too).

Oh, so that is it. She is like a cat, bringing home dead rodents. "I'll break into crowded hospitals to steal drugs and let some dude suck on my feet. I don't really care." She definitely has initiative.

So that is why I recognize him. At least he didn't do the same thing Ginger did and go from being a neo nazi drug dealer to a caucasian urban drug dealer.

If this country has taught us anything, it is that threats of damnation will scare people straight.

As far as integration goes, Thack seems more concerned with the economic and social effect it will have on the hospital. I am sure that is a major part of why he bristled when he first saw Edwards.

Indeed. The Knick is one of those rare shows that utilizes cliches effectively and moves beyond them in the development of its characters. And it makes the decisions more believable because the motivations go well beyond "I am going to give him a hard time because he is black or belittle her because she is a

God, this show has been on a major upswing since the second episode. I have thoroughly enjoyed every episode but these last two have been on level with the best of GoT. At this rate, it could dethrone True Detective as my fave season of 2014. Figures a Soderbergh production would outshine everything else. This is an

Definitely! They got a free pass this year, but that shit's not gonna fly two years in a row.

Yeah, if she gets snubbed at next emmys, I am going to do something not good.

That grade, so negative. Personally, this is my first solid A since the fight. This season has been more varied than last season and is far more compact narratively which I am thankfully for, but individual episodes have been consistently shy of top marks. The thing that pushed this one over was that confrontation. I