Lani Parker

Seems right.

It is really bizarre actually. This is, imo, the best episode since the season made the shift from the hospitals to these offices (I didn't think "Asterion" was AS good as her review made it out to be).

This one was almost as great as the pilot and I am glad it had a longer running time than episode 3. Also, I have to say that Algernon is on the fast track to being my favorite character of the year (sorry, Stahma).

I couldn't disagree more. I found "Slouching towards Bethlehem" the best episode of the season. It did the best job juggling all the characters in the series and addressed open season 1 threads. These two episodes, while good with moments of greatness, suffer from a recurring issue in this series. The plot points feel

I think it because they wanted to keep him around for another year so they avoided. Also, the final episode was over encumbered enough as it was.

They are saving that reveal (to her) for next season, I think.

Personally, I felt last week's ep was stronger. Still, I am loving this show.

Yeah, I hope it will be more than just a filler episode. I mean, this season will still be fantastic (so far) with it, but I hope they keep the chain of events going.

I sincerely doubt it is him. I think his fascination with Amanda is partly due to her abandoning Connor and being the former mayor of Defiance (aka the lady most people int he town trust).

I like your list there. Only Fargo annoyed me and that was mostly because three important storylines were dropped at random.

And yet TD is actually getting a second season.

Mine is True Detective. It definitely filled the Breaking Bad hole in my heart (at least through March 9th) and is so far the most consistently enjoyable show of the year. Rectify and Defiance are doing really well for me currently.

I am pretty sure it is because it doesn't broadcast in HD.

You know what? If next season became The Alan Farragut Detective show, Helix may yet be saved. The show either needs to go batshit or retcon all of the nutty things that have happened.