Bourbon Dingo

It’s so funny that people get so mad if you post pictures of women mocking them, but you feel no shame or remorse for posting pictures of men and mocking them.

What an asshole.

This is my first time realizing the Versa Note has been axed from the lineup.

“The Ubisoft Factor” is incredibly real, haha. I remember Watch Dogs 3 being discounted by 50% within 2 months of its release (though maybe that’s just because the game itself was boring...)

I decided against upgrading just because I wanted to keep my phone with the rear sensor.

Even if it weren’t so obtrusive, that is just such a cheap prepackaged screen space effect. Real Unity Asset Store vibes.

Weren’t they working on some kind of magical school game?  Or was that someone else?

I'm so fucking excited for this I cannot stand it. 

Yeah but f**k that RC plane mission though.

*tinfoil hat* Facebook’s outages eclipses the Whistleblower news/search results that they are, in fact, evil and weaponizing depression..... which is really convenient timing

Why does Amazon’s face look like how Donald Trump imagines himself to be?

Fuck your slideshows

No, it’s not “fucked.”

Is this from people playing the early access release, or the previous demo?
The demo was much harder and ramped up the droughts very quickly, but was still manageable. The early access version, meanwhile, is easier than that by default and also has several difficulty levels.

You can fiddle with a ton of settings to make it as relaxed or difficult as you want. 

They’re all funny and I don’t care what anybody else thinks.

That’s a really good point. All veteran TT players will tell you they want incredibly original and alien universes to explore, but then it bears the risk of alienating new players.

Yeah, these articles are always wild to me. It’s hard enough finding a group willing to get together for DnD, which is the most popular TTRPG by a factor of a million.

Trying to get people together to play some new, unknown game is basically impossible. If you have a static gaming group totally willing to try lots of

I’m with James, I don’t like it. I also hate how it stopped showing in my Lifehacker RSS feed, so I have to remember to come to the kinja-deals page, then the update changed it so now I have to search for the deals-of-the-day post instead of prominently posted. Oh, and then to have to click “continue reading” after

I’m with James, I don’t like it. I also hate how it stopped showing in my Lifehacker RSS feed, so I have to remember

I would actually have to disagree... I would like to see more than 2 items a day. 

I would actually have to disagree... I would like to see more than 2 items a day. 

What happened to the old format from like just over a week ago?

What happened to the old format from like just over a week ago?