I’m playing the ‘Don’t get killed by Hurricane Harvey’ game this weekend. If that starts getting boring, maybe some 3ds.
I’m playing the ‘Don’t get killed by Hurricane Harvey’ game this weekend. If that starts getting boring, maybe some 3ds.
Does it help me get away from Harvey faster?
Early access or $40 dollar initial price tag would have assuaged most of the growing pains.
Ahem. Putin on the Ritz.
Or, too many of the parties. Or... since I know many Marines and respect is huge part of their culture, he might just be blowing air out of his ass.
Someone told me I’d like this game because I liked Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley. An hour or so proved them wrong. Am I missing something by not delving deeper into it? Or is it just kinda a ‘get points, spend it on getting more points, get more points, spend it... as nauseum.’?
Hey, now. Beastiality is a slippery slope. I don’t want to head down that rabbit hole.
‘Everyone’s prejudiced’ is what people should use....
I dry off most of my body in the bathtub so I’m not flinging water everywhere. The bathmat is to stand on while I finish drying the soles of my feet.
Not only this, but having a block of monsters going at once is often a good way to wreck a party (or maybe specifically one person).
Leave Mass Effect 3's ending out of this!
Least popular? Chargers.
This has so many meanings, right now.
Is that like goose-stepping? He might recognize that.
Not afraid to kill at all. Just afraid of dying.
Technically, diet is a formal deliberative assembly.
If they’ve been standing 150 years or more? Hell, I’d take that. Here, check out SPLC’s infographic about when these monuments were put up.
Just mad that Trump didn’t condemn them directly while winking unsubtley at the camera.
Religion is a helluva drug.
I never read The Handmaid’s Tale but I assume it takes place in present-day Edina.