Bourbon Dingo


It makes the protesters look stupid. That’s the whole point.

I seem to remember this being a thing in White Pride rallies as a counter-protest. As in, it’s really hard to look badass while walking in step to a sousaphone.

Edit: Found it here.

I prefer to lead in with my tolerant left.

In the military, we called them waterfall passwords.

Tito’s is absolutely worth the price.

Were those Nazis modeled using Sims?

“We think that too.”

Um, I call every owner Mr. Jeffernut, except Jerrah. He’s Dr. Jeffernut.

Green Mile 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Does the store actually load in a decent manner? That’s all I want.

God, I hope so.

Should I buy this if I never finished the first one? I put about two hours or so into the first one, but it never grabbed me.

Should I buy this if I never finished the first one? I put about two hours or so into the first one, but it never

If you can buy into the ecosystem (a Pixel or otherwise), I can vouch for Google Fi. I’m set to pay 40 bucks a month for it, but because of refunded usage amount I have only ever paid over 25 bucks once.

I had 20? dollars on this game. So, not a major investment at the time for me, and honestly I could have gone without ever hearing about it again. I’m happy that there might be something at the end of the tunnel for somebody, though.

How dare you make me miss Dan Quayle.

Just might be.

Debate = Talk loudly and confidently over someone, right?

Unless your state decides to freeze all positions you were looking to move into for the year.

That’s pretty much exactly what would have happened while I was working, and I doubt it has changed much.