
There’s so much data missing to define if there’s a real correlation... Indoor cats aren’t exposed to toxoplasmosis so they can’t be carriers. You should have indoor cat versus outdoor cat, blood tests on pets to confirm that the pet is, in fact, contaminated.

2 years playing here. #GoEnlightened!

It’s mostly sweets and fruits. Don’t give them candy, lollipop, bananas, chocolate... Cheetos and Doritos and greasy food also. If they have a milk moustache, they’ll wipe it. They’ll wipe anything in their faces with their hands and then sweep it into their clothes (and their hair)

Not sure if I like the hair... I always figured Jesse as old fashioned with a hair somewhere between Johnny Cash and The Duke. And it annoys me that they erased the wavy hair. Why every person in Hollywood has to have straight hair?

As far as I remember there’s no blind protagonist in Preacher and I remember lots of really sunny suffocatingly hot desertic scenes so... No?

Late to the parade, but there’s no thing like ONE sex talk. Good parenting means having lots of sex talks, adequated for every age. The young ones want to know what it means being a boy or a girl. With zero privacy going to the bathroom (toddlers can be worse than cats!) both kids knew mommy has periods once a month

I have replied somewhere else that I don’t think maternal instincts have something to do with her reaction, but the very natural human instinct of not killing cubs of any species. Child humans, ducklings, puppies, kittens, most of us just can’t help but hesitate hurting them, even if rationally we know they are

While heavily pregnant? Lol, not really. But they did run like the wind!

I’m a mother. Let me tell you a story. I was heavily pregnant with my daughter when my ten years old son came home hurt. A gang of children, younger than him, tried to rob his bicycle and he could bear to defend himself because they were younger than him. I saw RED and heavy pregnancy belly or not I took him by hand,

At first sight I was annoyed. Of course they introduced Karsi by name just to make her death worse later.

What about the really small things like being distracted, clearly hear a loved one call your name and see you are alone in the room, or ask if they called you but they didn’t?

Ohhh I gonna miss the best recaps of the Internet! Good luck and keep the good humor wherever you go!

Yeah, my vagina cringed just looking at the illustration. Nope nope nope nope...

Funny, I’m 100% leftie (even body spacial awareness is naturally left oriented) but I always used watches on my dominant hand. I sometimes fumble with closing my smartband with my right hand but it never occurred to me to wear it on my right hand. I don’t even think about it, I just put it on the left pulse.

Technology isn’t against me but right handed designers and engineers are self centered assholes. I’m very leftie, not only left-handed but also my balance is left oriented. So I get dizzy when going through bank rotating doors and I have to change balance and sides and anything I’m carrying in my right arm every time

I really didn’t want that kiss but got it anyway. The biggest thing I remember is that my frist kiss happened at 9/9/1990 around 9pm. Really. I was 14, at a matinée session on the local dancing club realizing that I had been stood up by my school girlfriend. There was this guy at the line to buy drinks and he started

So, on one hand you have “open package, unroll condom in penis, go to town”. On the other hand you have “rub the package for a while to spread lube, open package, put internal ring inside vagina, make sure outer ring is in the right position, make sure that penis in inside condom” Thanks but no, thanks.

My son leaves the holographic seals to tell his friends the cap is original and therefore he can afford to buy it, not a cheap falsification. I just roll my eyes. Teenagers.

Yes, I realize that, but still there’s something that really fails to sell the concept of sexy with that outer ring. I can’t blame the art director, but at least for me it makes the rejection stronger. It can feel amazing, but looks terrible!

You know, as an individual with vulva, clitoris and vagina and as a designer, these designs just look like what a male designer would think that a vagina should be (they remind me of the interior of a fleshlight) a.k.a something to be penetrated passively... But there’s so much more to sex than this... Clitoral