Pains me a bit to say, but I think this trailer just sold me on this game!
Pains me a bit to say, but I think this trailer just sold me on this game!
A free update so close soon after launch? SWEET!
I'm sure Microsoft will patch this.
Other than being on TV, I don't see any appeal for people wanting to be on this show.
@PunkRockMachine: I loved that Futurama scene .. awesome!
So will the update to existing games for Game Center be free, or will it'll give Devs of already released games a reason to charge for an update?
Doesn't Monday Night Combat have a new-fangled update system?
I want Power Stone 1 & 2 on XBLA!
@Andrew Odella: +1
What, no X360?
IMHO has nothing on this from a couple years ago ... but the Reach one is still cool.
Personally, I don't see how those qualify in any way as "improvements".
"If used game buyers are upset they don't get the online feature set I don't really have much sympathy for them."
"Live Update System"? Damn, I hope more games do this. Going through Cert can be a pain for everyone!
I'll pay for it for sure!
Sucks, but they should've stuck to Crackdown.
@Daniel Bell: Hmm, ya that does soun interesting.
Indie with multiplayer? Rarely well implemented, so I'll have to try this one out. Most likely a buy if multiplayer is any good..
Damn you Microsoft!