
Pains me a bit to say, but I think this trailer just sold me on this game!

A free update so close soon after launch? SWEET!

I'm sure Microsoft will patch this.

Other than being on TV, I don't see any appeal for people wanting to be on this show.

So will the update to existing games for Game Center be free, or will it'll give Devs of already released games a reason to charge for an update?

Doesn't Monday Night Combat have a new-fangled update system?

I want Power Stone 1 & 2 on XBLA!


What, no X360?

Now playing

IMHO has nothing on this from a couple years ago ... but the Reach one is still cool.

Personally, I don't see how those qualify in any way as "improvements".

"If used game buyers are upset they don't get the online feature set I don't really have much sympathy for them."

"Live Update System"? Damn, I hope more games do this. Going through Cert can be a pain for everyone!

I'll pay for it for sure!

Sucks, but they should've stuck to Crackdown.

@Daniel Bell: Hmm, ya that does soun interesting.

Indie with multiplayer? Rarely well implemented, so I'll have to try this one out. Most likely a buy if multiplayer is any good..

Damn you Microsoft!