
@milo128: No no, it's cuz I assume Move requires the wands since I haven't seen it being used without.l If this game doesn't require the wands and added support for weapons, that'd be awesome.

@thegreatpablo: Cuz doesn't Move require the wands? if so, that's why. I want to swing my real weapons.

@Foohy: Their designs I like, but it ends there.

With 30 games, I'd get this for 150$.

This would be awesome on Kinect.

You almost lost me with "Sony Ericsson making Playstation phone"

@Gyaruson 2.0: Unless they screw something up from the original ... adding features to an already awesome game makes the judgement for me.

@Eccie: Ya, Monday Night ... hafta pick that one up also

Best XBLA game this year, IMHO.

Was on the fence about this one ... but might have to get it now.

And Nintendo made a wand-controller and that type, like Sony's, also has limits.

So since it's in a "prison", means no Batmobile, Bat-wing again?

More Chinese rip-offs?

@TylDurden: Ya, same here. Wish this came to XBLA

So if I choose not to update I get to keep him?

I'd like "Can't Touch This" in Dance Central. Always wanted to learn those moves.