

Paint it black, and I'm sold.

I'll hafta keep an eye out for that Gonzo figure if they release it. Looks awesome!

@UnknownCorpse: Damn, oh well. I'll still get THIS one. my bad.

Now that it's on the cheap, I'll probably have to get this.

That griefers "fix" seems like it might encourage it ... sounds fun.

@soulofaqua: "Fair" in terms of what MS / Sony / Nintendo usually spread about each other, yes I am serious. And I'm in the X360 camp, so it hurts be a bit to say that Sony's being fair, LoL.

In terms of features, it seems like a pretty fair & factual comparison, nice.

Shame this isn't an XBLA title, would be awesome!

So by the time it drops to 100$ and I get it, Kinnect should be awesome, right?

@Nethlem: Well considering I just recently had to replace another X360 with an Arcade for 150$, why would I pay the same for an accessory?

@Demonbird: Those aren't IMHO as big as Ali or Tyson, but it'd be nice to see em in a game.

@Vanderblade: I've played the X360 version and watched my friend play the PS3 version. Asides from the disc-swapping, the X360 is the same as the PS3's. Both lose fidelity and have graphical hiccups.

How can they top the champs they had in Round 4?

I hate Osmos, HD or not. Sorry.

But can you use an iPhone synced to your iPad as a controller?

Screw Sega, give it to Rocksteady!

It's "fair" but they missed the chance to severely undercut the competition and release it at 100$.