
Hammer of justice crushes you, over-pee-er.


Left before Billy Idol came on after Faith No More opened at Blossom Music Center, Akron, OH, 1990. Left after Frank Black played before the Ramones (!) at the Newport in Columbus, OH, 1994, left after Fantomas Played at Madison Square Garden opening up for Tool, 1999.

So say we all! Though just to try to hone a point a little more - to me what was great about this ending was how the delivery WAS the message, in a really interesting way. Kind of esoteric, I know, but this was what impressed me the most. They could have nailed down that Starbuck was a result of a highly advanced

So say we all! Though just to try to hone a point a little more - to me what was great about this ending was how the delivery WAS the message, in a really interesting way. Kind of esoteric, I know, but this was what impressed me the most. They could have nailed down that Starbuck was a result of a highly advanced

Actually, I think maybe you misunderstand what I'm saying — which might be my fault because this is hard to describe — and are still clinging to that kind of logical thinking that the show is critiquing not overtly but in its style.

Actually, I think maybe you misunderstand what I'm saying — which might be my fault because this is hard to describe — and are still clinging to that kind of logical thinking that the show is critiquing not overtly but in its style.

The way I see it God's plan - as you might say it is in real life - was to get humanity to understand its place in the absolute whole, to transcend subject/object dualism and therefore stop the violence of creation and destruction that their powerful logical ( ie separate) minds keeps cycling through (from kobol, to

The way I see it God's plan - as you might say it is in real life - was to get humanity to understand its place in the absolute whole, to transcend subject/object dualism and therefore stop the violence of creation and destruction that their powerful logical ( ie separate) minds keeps cycling through (from kobol, to

I disagree with your take on religion - that the "real appeal" is that community bonding aspect. Yes, that is a major result of religion and with so many practically atheist "believers" amongst those who identify with a particular group perhaps this is statistically the major draw but I think your take gives short

I disagree with your take on religion - that the "real appeal" is that community bonding aspect. Yes, that is a major result of religion and with so many practically atheist "believers" amongst those who identify with a particular group perhaps this is statistically the major draw but I think your take gives short

It was a lot deeper than "don't build sentient robots". I took it more like, don't build them unless you're spiritually evolved enough to know how to treat them. Don't let your powers of control over the universe lead to hubris enough to destroy yourselves.

It was a lot deeper than "don't build sentient robots". I took it more like, don't build them unless you're spiritually evolved enough to know how to treat them. Don't let your powers of control over the universe lead to hubris enough to destroy yourselves.

I've been trying to express this succinctly for a while to anyone who's stuck on the "betrayal" issue (feeling like the show let them down in some major way), because I understand why a sci-fi fan would feel its a betrayal, because it was breathtakingly genius in the way that Marshall McCluhan said - new systems of

I've been trying to express this succinctly for a while to anyone who's stuck on the "betrayal" issue (feeling like the show let them down in some major way), because I understand why a sci-fi fan would feel its a betrayal, because it was breathtakingly genius in the way that Marshall McCluhan said - new systems of