Me. I noted it up there ^.
Me. I noted it up there ^.
The Life Aquatic is good, but as a film Lost In Translation is much better. Life Aquatic has some real pacing issues.
Or, and this may be crazy, they just liked these movies. Shocking I know, that a group of people may like something you didn’t, or have different arbiters of quality.
I mean, lesbians are popular, and the Overwatch ladies are hot. I kind of thought that was all the internet needed in order to do its thing.
The funny thing is, we’re going right back to Wrath’s method of revealing a new part of the world with Legion. The Broken Isles were always there, always accessible, we just didn’t feel like going.
No Oberyn just made the mistake of show boating when he should have done this:
Oh, sweetie.
Piggy-backing on what Jason said, I think what the “worst” ending does is reflect to the player that your actions on this world have consequences. If you choose to kill indiscriminately and take pleasure in doing so, you have to own that choice and accept the consequences. If you’re not comfortable with the world you…
Please keep your self righteous bullshit to yourself next time Mr./Ms. goody 2 shoes... thx
Do you really question the legality of something in China!?
Meh I pirated it now. I pirated the shit copy before. I saw it in th etheater 3 times and will buy it on release. Still not sorry about pirating it.
That’s not what he’s saying. Of course it’s perfectly fine if the platform holder lock its own first party content on its platform. That’s their right. His concern is MS forcing outside devs to only release games in the Windows store if they choose to use the UWM tools. It would be akin to if Valve decides to use UWM…
And with Epic’s new service they are doing exactly that. Providing software directly to consumers, there is no publisher, no store front middleman.
That’s not what he’s saying. Of course it’s perfectly fine if the platform holder lock its own first party content on its platform. That’s their right. His concern is MS forcing outside devs to only release games in the Windows store if they choose to use the UWM tools. It would be akin to if Valve decides to use UWM…
I think you might need to Moove on.
I think who you choose had a great deal to do with your background on the source material. If you only played the games, you’d be inclined (heavily, I’d say) toward Triss. If you read the books leading into the Witcher games, you’d lean heavily toward Yennefer.
Steiner is the ultimate success story. He transforms from butt-monkey of the group into a heroic and valiant knight that gets the best girl in the franchise.