
I'm not sure if I've ever met an Oblivion or a Fallout fanatic...

No, because I'm "hardcore" and things like 3D, motion control, and whatever other innovation might pop up to rock the status quo threatens my fragile gamer's ego and makes me want to curl up into the fetal position and suck on my thumb.

So, uh, did anyone just see Jimmy Kimmel take down Leno on his own show?

Those PS3 and 360 numbers are a lot closer than I thought they would be. I thought for sure Sony would have at least a 1.5:1 advantage in sales that month.

Ugh. Just...Ugh. I can't remember the last time I've gotten this upset over a suspended release date.

This is going to wind up costing NBC big. How much longer is the 59-year-old Leno going to stick around? Five years? Ten perhaps, if NBC is lucky. How long could NBC have Conan? Maybe a good twenty years.