
That would be incorrect. He still does, article's wrong.

Aaron Allston's Starfighters of Adumar.

Are you okay with video games being viewed in the same legal light as pornography, because that's what would have happened had the court ruled in favor of California.

That's the gimmick. The selling point is the in-combat voice commands.

There's a pretty big disconnect between hardcore gamers and E3 these days. Simply, E3 isn't targeted at you and it hasn't been for some time. E3 is a show targeted towards mainstream audiences, which is why Microsoft is going to come away from this show a big winner. Just about everything they showed off has the


You mean the lack of inventory management? Yeah, we really needed that.

You know, the exact same thing happened when ME2 was shown off at E3. Bioware shows a clip designed to play into the "ACTION WOOOOOO" E3 presser vibe and hardcore gamers flip out and assume they've abandoned the RPG mechanics entirely.

So here's how it's going to work out, just like it did with ME2.

So people are clamoring for elevators and the Mako again? These were the most complained about parts of ME1.

I love everyone here that is raging about the trailer focusing on action. Did you -really- expect them to have a trailer that contained a bunch of dialog wheel?

Microsoft has abandoned hardcore gamers and I couldn't be happier. Catering to that crowd is playing financial roulette. Why bother trying to please a small niche that is impossible to please?

Microsoft might actually improve Skype, unlike their last major purchaser Ebay that just let it rot.

I'm not sure that word means what you think it means.

I am completely indifferent about inventory systems. The presence or lack of one has absolutely no ability to ruin the narrative experience or the real-time gameplay to me. I have no need to micromanage every little detail about a game, and neither do the vast majority of gamers.

And let me go one step farther.

Personally, I would say the people who are losing their brains because they haven't seen a damn inventory management screen could use some time outside a tad more than I do, but I appreciate your concern.

I can't believe people are bitching and moaning about the lack of RPGness demonstrated in twelve single-frame screenshots. How ... How do you even demonstrate that in a screenshot? Do you people just want to see screens of a dialog wheel or something?


Lenovo has two lines of laptops, the IdeaPad which is a bit more of a budget brand, and the Thinkpad which is the golden standard of PC laptops.