
Nursing college is the Boston Strangler. Bundy was FSU.

Insert Neil Simon joke here.

NX has some stylistic vibes similar to Twin Peaks at times, but its genesis was actually the creators time as students of Joseph Campbell and they wanted to play with the concept of a hero's quest, hence the many Native American fables and constant references to Jung. It's really a different animal at its core than

Rewatching GI Joe as an adult I was struck most by the heavy stereotyping of the various Joes (the black guy who actually talks in rhyme?) and by the heavy sexual innuendo/tension between the various characters. Destro is a straight up letch.

Because it's the worst…..except for circus peanuts and black licorice.

I want a crossover in which these Girls spend a semester at Greendale that culminates with study group meeting in which Winger stands up to make the official long winded statement, that there has been a long standing mistake made by all and Britta is far from The Worst. (After which she says something that ruins it).

I was kinda sad he couldn't make it.

I had a roommate in Brooklyn who would do the barefoot thing sometimes at night if heels were getting annoying.

With Marnie, he's not wrong.

The Soundgarden and the Fury
Are You There God? It's Me Blossom
To Sir Mix-a-lot With Love
Tess of the So-Called D'Urbervilles
Gone With The Ford Bronco
Law and Order by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Catcher in the Flannel
The Picture of Laura Palmer
Angst and Apathy (Jane Austen)

I was glad to see Diane find a new nemesis. She needs that to thrive. She and Charlie were the best stare downs since Maggie Simpson and the baby with one eyebrow.

That Elvis line just slayed me. Soooooo wrong.

I had to go back and rewatch Hogfather to see Michelle Dockery again. I thought she was good but a bit miscast (too pretty) the first time around. The second viewing it's hard not to see Lady Mary. I always wanted someone a little more like Christina Ricci or Winona Ryder in the part.

A younger Jon Hamm would be a great Carrot. Think his thirty rock character. For Vimes I want someone more grizzled and less pretty. Brendan Coyle comes to mind or the fellow who played the older cop on Law and Order UK.

I have an 'if only they were older'. Although of course the iconic late Alan Rickman was brilliant in the role of Severus Snape, I recently had the thought that I would not have minded putting that acting challenge in front of John Oliver as an experiment. For the younger question, Jon Hamm as Superman. Daniel Day

If he was doing a good job but didn't resemble him I wouldn't mind, but he's just playing one note whining and additionally made no effort to observe the person's he's playing speech patterns or mannerisms.

The Seinfeld/Martin debate reminded me that in college my multi cultural group of friends had a racial divide on the Thursday 8pm Friends/Living Single question. Alas, the 90s pop culture that divided us. Perhaps that is why we all clung to Will Smith for so long after he went all Scientology on us, he healed the

A fair point. I admit I'm speaking more on feeling than any hard numbers, but I'm seeing the one jury that ever believed in systemic racism in this case of a wealthy celebrity, who is very likely a double murderer, when in so many cases the biased system denied justice, from Emmett Till and Rubin Carter, to Eric

I feel for him. He was not a criminal defense lawyer. He joined this team to defend his friend who he believed was innocent and is being portrayed as regretting that choice when he saw the evidence stack up.

Their job is to provide a rigorous defense. They chose to go the route of exploiting a fragile city's fears to do so. That may be their job, but it's a dubious tack to take. Especially for Cochran, who founded his career on fighting true victims of police misconduct.