
I'm on the side of having been overall impressed with Schwimmer, he's holding his own portraying the pathos of 'Ross' Kardashian. For me Gooding continues to be the weak link. Seriously, has he ever seen OJ Simpson speak or move or anything?

I've also been favorably impressed by Schwimmer, unlike some other viewers and reviewers. I'm finding him rather compelling, although I continue to refer to him as 'Ross' Kardashian.

I like the idea of Nick. Or to go with the ever expanding nods to other shows, perhaps Fox?

I was referring to the addition of Bernadette and Amy. Not to the Shamy drama.

Ross Kardashian is really starting to feel the doubt. I refuse to call him anything else.

Since when is being a weirdo is a bad thing? It's a title I aspire to personally. The dynamic I was referring to below is the Friends style dynamic that came about with the additions of Bernadette and Amy, that is when the ratings really took off. Jim and Mayim are marvelous and play well together, but they serve

I agree with those who see Raj being a sexist spoiled asshole. And the women egging on that viewpoint is awful. I also find it hard to believe that PHDs working for a university would not have been well aware of the share of their intellectual property that the university gets from the day they signed their

You'll also notice that when that dynamic took over is when the ratings skyrocketed as well. I think a good portion of the population has been conditioned to crave a comfort food hangout sitcom at that time of the week.

I think it is because at some point this show became Friends Nerd.0 and they were left with a vestigial Fez. Two apartments across the hall from each other, the science nerd and the hot girl have an on again off again thing, the shrill chick marries the 'funny guy' and there are two weirdos, in this case smart

Haven't seen it yet, but I'm put in mind of the Anhk Morpork City Watch. Diversity movement getting various species/races to get along. Trolls, dwarves, Igors, were wolves, vampires, humans etc.

I was thinking more like Captain Carrot, Commander Vimes, Constable Cheery and Sergeant Detritus.

The memory of a particularly offensive reboot stays with me. (I never viewed it, but the mere concept of trying to recreate such a specific special film was grating).

That was my biggest take away from this episode as well. Not just Mitch and Cam, but everyone present.

That's interesting. I am also white, but I was filled with that dread that day, almost eclipsing the hope.

Vance and Paulson are really bringing it. And shout out to Schwimmer for making Kardashian really interesting and appealing.

I have to give major credit to the writers and Anderson for that mini monologue about Obama's inauguration. I remember that fear mixed with hope so vividly, it brought me to tears to hear it actually discussed. I almost wanted it to go further into how that huge step forward of electing Obama frustratingly inflamed

I'm fairly certain he said "find out more about his fate" somewhere. But I could be mistaken.

Okay I'm calling it now. It was the benevolent aliens in that ship. They suck scully up and then kill the red of "the chosen" and cure everyone else miraculously. Scully is later returned and has memories of seeing csm and William in the ship. Now the mystery is what is the end game of these aliens and why were

King has already written one and it was mediocre. Season 5.

I'd also like to point out that in interviews Carter said that this episode would 'show us how much Mulder and Scully mean to each other', and we'd find out what happened to William. Neither of these things happened, and both things would have given a sketchy poorly crafted episode some emotional weight at least. I