
Ah autocorrect. And that's why I normally don't post from my phone. Lesson reinforced.

So can we reflect for a moment that scully doesn't appear to adhere to the terry pratchett dictum that personal is not the same as important? She totally has the cure to save most of humanity and is running to save one guy. Is this not ethically dubious?

I'd bump 7 down to tied with 1 for 6th and put 10 ahead of 8 or 9.

Spoilers can be a good thing. I knew it wasn't a sequel and I knew a character would die and had a pretty good guess as to who, so I was pumped for some angst and barely remember the monster. lol.

Who? ;)

I'd put Home Again in front of My Struggle I. The character work was more engaging to me than the mythology/exposition, even if the garbage monster was so/so.

If (when) this picks up again, we'll likely find that although this conspiracy was perpetrated by men, there were aliens both helping and fighting them as well. Sigh…yeah the mythology is exhausting.

To be fair, we do know that Scully has a background in stem cell treatment from that second movie which must not be named.

Yeah, I said that in an earlier comment. A lot can be forgiven with some good M&S interaction.

Yeah, that occurred to me too. But they did say that it was then carried on genetically after the vaccinations ended. But tweedledum is definitely far too young to have been vaccinated herself. Fact check much Carter?

I'd still really like for William to be the answer pr next step in human evolution due to having had parents who were both abductees whose DNA was perhaps altered in two different manners? Just throwing that out there.

The pacing on the Reyes CSM storyline was such a waste of screen time.

Yeah, but one thing every great leader or creator needs is someone to tell them 'the truth'.

If anything, the young agent should end up being William in a reboot, finding the files, becoming fascinated and slowly learning that these were his parents.

If you read between the lines, Anderson just wants to be well compensated (and of course her schedule will have to be considered).

No interest in a reboot. Mulder and Scully ARE the show. It would be like Dirty Dancing Havana Nights.

He was telekinetic, not too far a stretch to think he may have had some Gibson Praise mind reading ability and know something of the real intentions behind him being given up.

Carter said that it was Knausgard, yes.

Is it really that much more far fetched than them letting the ace profiler run around chasing Bigfoot with the clearly top notch forensics gal?

I'll admit. I didn't hate it as much as the reviewer and some other viewers seem to have.