Lando System?

Well, if we’re gonna talk relevant Douglas Adams quotes...

I didn’t even have to read this article to know what it said. You see Reddit in the headline (and Barsanti on the byline) and you pretty much get the gist.

God, do I hate when news sites take something like this and run with it as any kind of story. Snyder says “Of course,” but I will bet dollars to donuts that nothing made it past the idea stage on that front. Plus, we don’t know what sequel he’s talking about? Justice League 2? 3? 5?

Nice interview, and I can understand why he feels that way about Saoirse Ronan, she has been pretty spectacular in everything i have seen her in..

He really is... all that.

That’s definitely a valid way to approach it. One thing I kept in mind as I played is something one of the game’s art directors told me at a press event. Which was that this is Spider-Man’s New York.

But I guess, for me, that still means I can ask questions about how that New York relates to the real one. I know not

My solution to reconciling all of this was to just treat it as another fantastical element of the setting. If I can buy that a guy can run on walls then I guess I can buy a world where the police deserve the level of trust the game gives them.

That is a such a good, logical, level-headed idea; it will never see the light of day.

The criticism of this new category is justified, but in all seriousness I do think there is room for two “Best Picture” awards.  But the criteria I’d establish would be something more along the lines of “Best Picture - Studio Production” and “Best Picture - Independent Production.”  Since Studio pictures tend to be

Yay! More Rian Johnson SW is great news.

This is a great deconstruction of Kevin’s very poor argument, and the steak tartare example is very on-point.

I will lick the spoon from virtually any desert I bake. And I may may not eat raw pie dough, but you can bet your booty I’ve eaten at least one spoonful of the filling.

I’ve eaten (possibly literal) tons of raw cookie dough and I have a hard time believing the argument that it’s dangerous. I am perfectly healthy after four decades of this behavior. I mean...other than being about 50lbs overweight. And getting out of breath from breathing. And having a resting heart rate similar to

Yeah, I’m not even a painter, and I found it tremendously appealing.

Yes, but with an important distinction. A true music video is a commercial for itself. The one here is selling another product, and I dislike being tricked into watching a commercial. Just say “Hey, here’s an awesome commercial for apple.”

I really wish this headline had emphasized that this was a commercial. But then again, the new AVClub is all about clickbait.

“And to write about it as though it’s not a sponsored post!”

“And also remember when Deadspin went to town on for violating the advertising/editorial firewall? That must have been in Ye Olden Days of Journalism, possibly as early as last week!”

Not disclosing sponsored posts anymore?

A habit I’ve gotten into is tipping more when I have a bad day. If I’m in a pissy mood, I’ll go someplace I like and leave 200% and it’s like exercise. I don’t WANT to do it, but I know it’s better for me to do than not to do.

You people make me sick