Lando System?

It looks amusing, which is good enough. I enjoyed the spear joke the most.

You should expect a call from the FBI shortly.

In a heavy German accent.

Left field? Canseco played Right field. 

Sigh, *pushes up glasses*. That is unlikely to be IG-88, but rather another IG series droid. There are some visible differences in the models, and also leaked info indicating it is not the same. Also don’t know if the titular Mandalorian is a mercenary or not.

My childhood best friend and I both are both named Matt. We watch Daredevil together (we’re also roommates) and thoroughly enjoy sharing a name with Mr. Murdock.

I am down for this. Plus, the Brits deserve this for stealing all our acting jobs.

This looks more like a trailer for my new favorite TV show, than a budget-straining A24 release. I’m still looking forward to it. And I want that gorram jacket.

Here’s a thought, WFP: Don’t nominate people you don’t want to carry your nomination onto the ballot.

I have a hard time believing Millennials like me would watch any parade coverage that wasn’t a spoof.

Here, in Central Time US, it’s still Thursday, with the new merch releasing at midnight.

The midnight release is to-night. There’s still a chance for you and Luke to get together.

Totally serious inquiry: How can one become a projectionist? I've wanted to look into it, but haven't gotten anywhere.

Widower of Self

Everyone know Satan lives at the North Pole, so from his perspective it's definitely a pentagram

For a split second I thought you misspelled Montag.

We all get this is satire, right?

Maybe and what sucks is I think the kid is pretty good.

You can't have Heather Graham on because she hasn't aged a day. It would be too stark a contrast with the rest of the cast.

I inferred that Gaiman didn't just jump to such a dramatic statement in response to an initial suggestion. Agree to disagree. It's still a stupid fucking idea.