Is "bru" poking fun at "bro," or are you using that for serious?
Is "bru" poking fun at "bro," or are you using that for serious?
hay i kno u
Yeah, same thing happens to most of my friends too. Last night we did the daily on 28 and my friend got two energies, while I got two shards. I'm cool with it for now, but eventually I want energies too :P
Oh, and it was hilarious, because the first time I did it I got TWELVE ascendant shards. That was just insane. My friend got some nice armor, but he was still pissed at how many shards I got :D
I've done this week's one three times already, the 2nd and 3rd to help out friends. Yeah, that was the toughest part, I'd say. We hid near the train and did it from over there, but there are three (or more?) waves of two captains with arc shields that go back up SO FAST, and their bullets home in on you like you…
Yeah, it was great for last week. This week's Nightfall, not so much. I mean, I was still using it the whole time, but the enemies weren't as easily snipe-able.
Love the Icebreaker. My friend and I use it all the time on PvE.
If you're gonna nitpick about one's kanji/romaji, you could maybe work on your English punctuation while you're at it ;)
Perfect time to bring this back.
The look on the cryptarch guy's face made me lol
Such an amazing/frustrating game.
I was thinking something along those lines. Knowing what/where/when to do something helps you beat pretty much ANY game faster.
Holy crap, I am so going to this. I'll see if Richard can go too!
Basically what the other guy said: that sounds shitty. I'm glad things are good now. Hearing stories like that makes me feel like I should be more fortunate that I've never had any serious illnesses :/
Damn it, I laughed so fucking hard :P
Dang, what happened? If you don't mind me asking.
I was about to ask the same thing. Dat voice.
I need to use SanDisk's higher (95MB/s) data rate cards for my professional video camera, which are currently about $100 for 64GB, so I wonder if the situation for the Vita is similar? I wouldn't think it would need read speeds that high, but who knows!
So gonna go there! Kichijouji's a bit out of the way, but anything for kitties!