
That's really interesting! Thanks for the links/quotes. You seem very well informed - much more than (I'm sure about) half the people worried about guns getting banned and stocking up. I can't imagine they're all doing it to prepare themselves for a possible rebellion :P

I have a PS3 and will be getting the game. I've always wanted to play with a goat.

Thanks for the thought-out reply. Much better than the "Basically you're an ignorant piece of shit" comment I got, haha.

Ah, name-calling. I remember doing that in elementary school. But then I grew up!

Dang it, my edit button disappeared.

As a Canadian, I get constantly puzzled when Americans bring up their centuries-old amendments, which, as Shane pointed out, were created during a different age. Strictly for the sake of argument, let's there was an amendment saying every white man had the right to own a black slave... would it still be okay nowadays?

It wasn't a one night stand, she was just caught that one time. She had supposedly been dating him for a while.

Hah, +1.

Hah, I also pictured myself as if I was saying it to a dog: "Hey! Nnnnnno! Nnnnnnno!" while pointing my finger at its nose with each no.

殺させるな!sounds reeeeally weird though. Directly translated it sounds close to "Don't allow (me) to kill (you)." It's really just a matter of how things are said slightly differently. I think the most "threatening" would be "おまえ、死にたいのか," or even "おまえ、死にてーのか"

Same! The touch/tilt controls are so well integrated.

No problem! It's my seventh year in Japan, so I on the other hand, have no excuse for mistakes :) And I like helping people out. Language fascinates me.

In that case, I hope they're at least recently washed hipster skinny jeans :/

Ashcraft's explanation was definitely closer. While I understand what you're getting at, it's not a short e sound.

Hmmmm I dunno, I usually find that てめぇ just sounds like you're trying too hard to sound badass and instead just wind up sounding silly. Seems like something you'd only hear ギャル say.

There's a small tsu in ちょっと, thus the correct romanization would be chotto. Same for matte.

Holy crap Brian, did you lose weight?!

(I was gonna reply to SpineX, but he's acting pretty troll-ish, so SpiderAnon, I choose you!)


Sweet! Which part of Japan are you in?