Landon Blankemeyer

I suspect you'd be in a world of hurt. Even if you weren't found liable, it would be a mess of litigation to prove it.

I used to work in auto insurance. People need to understand this because I got hammered by folks who just didn't get that lending their car to their idiot brother who then crashed it falls on them. The insurance follows the vehicle is the easiest way to say it, but nobody wants to believe it.

Is there no way to temporarily 'sign over' responsibility to the person borrowing the car?

1991 Subaru Loyale 4wd with a 5 speed manual.

This would be pretty fun:

I remember being 14 and calling the Corvette that as well lol.

it's impressive. I didn't think the chain tensioners could last that long in an Audi.

My Toyota Camry. Every few hundred miles it would just stop and this little check engine light light would come on the dash (pictured below), the car wouldn't even start. Also every 50000 miles or so it would completely run through its tires and need a new pair. I never had any other issues over a couple hundred

I'm going to keep pasting Saabs here until somebody loves me.

Ok Doug. This is it.

Ok, this is a "sub-suggestion." I think you should by a car from Europe that meets the 25 year import exemption rule. Then, you get a trip to Europe to check it out, you can detail all the fun times you have (read: entertaining hassles) importing it and maintaining it, and then selling it, preferably back to Europe.

Im stealing the word clamshit.... I cant stop laughing...

Not a lot of good examples on Ebay right now, however this one seems promising. I see some cosmetic faults that aren't too difficult to clean up.

Elios waiting quietly in the corner...

Just about any imported econobox from the 80's with stick / overdrive should fit the bill. My 85 Sentra got 55 mpg on the highway. Problem is, these were disposable cars, so finding one today is quite the challenge.

This winter, I should consider becoming an Uber driver and use my WRX and snow tires. I'm going to be RICH.......

But were all broke from throwing all our money into cars...

I'm sure that this thing does wheelies with a fat person in the casket.