
Needs more quirk.

Looks like his publicist got third prize.

Shining Force
Phantasy Star IV
Lufia II


I'm not a salesman, I'm the Chubbly Blue Line!

I'd rather see Archie Meets the Punisher.

Wearing those helmets for so long gave them a bad case of helmet face.

"Fast (Walker) and Furious (Diesel) discuss the merits of sleeves."

How about in cog years?

How about in Spock years?

Internet has heart to heart with Hart. Will not kickstart her tart art

Cheer up, Murray

Something something RESUSCITATE!

I'm a kniiife. Knifin' arooound. Cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut-cut…

Andy died on his way back to Cornell.

Predator, we just say predator.

Predator, we just say predator.

I heard he's already booked a flight to Kashyyyk to prepare for the role.

I heard he's already booked a flight to Kashyyyk to prepare for the role.

You think about everything hahaha.