Too bad every diesel own just circumvents all the crap anyways. Does nothing but hurt fuel economy and reliability.
Too bad every diesel own just circumvents all the crap anyways. Does nothing but hurt fuel economy and reliability.
Haha, privilege. Please, I work my ass off every week to afford running my bike, daily and show car. Privilege is such a poor word that most people default to when they are jealous of something someone has.
Why would you even try to run a 6 volt system on a 12 volt battery?
A little late, but here’s mine. I detail cars on the side during summer for beer money. I was working on a clients car (Infinity G35X) to get ready to sell. On my hour drive back to deliver the car I’m in the right lane on a conventional highway. Along side me pulls up a riced out cobalt SS. Now Im not denying that…
They are thermodynamically more efficient than otto cycles engine. More torque, longer life and better emissions. The EPA just hold them to a higher standard than gas engines. thats why a 6.7 cummins ram costs 60K+
So when Liberals obstruct is it still considered treason like it was when the right did it?
Already has a factory diesel in it so I don’t need to swap anything else unorthodox into it.
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean others can’t. I have an 82 Monte carlo that I look forward to driving every time. Its comfortable, easy to work on and has great styling.
My father own a Grumman Yankee, they re actually rather difficult planes to fly compared to any small cessena. Plus what kind of plane can you get for 30K? Have you factored in the cost of a engine overhaul?
Fuck off man, this isn’t about your childish reaction to an election. To wish death upon stranger is the lowest of low.
Im not sure I could do this on my 55 Dodge. Granny gear yes, but in second I always have to give it some gas.
The Dx block 5.7s are actually okish. Anything before that was garbage.
To be fair if you put any unconventional motor in any platform its bound to piss people off. Ask the JDM guys how sweet their tears are when they see a LS swapped RX7.
Says the guy who hasn’t stopped being triggered from Trump winning. Seriously, I didn’t vote the for guy, but the mass riots prove that people are too soft skinned to deal with reality. As far as politics go on here, its Gawker so they’ll sprinkle in any little bias they can get.
He had a supermajority like Trump does now until next midterm. Republicans weren’t able to do anything for 2 years to stop those “shovel ready jobs”.
Wranglers are built to crawl without brakes being applied so like the Honda in the post they require a lot of pressure to stop and stay stopped.
How tolerant of you.
NHTSA would like a word.
Have one, already left me stranded 4 times. I will probably never buy another ford diesel again. The dealerships themselves don’t even like working on them because they are such a liability. I not really even blame International or Ford, just the EPA. Without them we could all be driving 7.3 PDS for 500k miles.
6.0 and tune in the same sentance sounds like playing Russian roulette with 6 bullets.