
"So many words to extrapolate everything and say nothing. "

And many people who voted for trump would say the exact, same thing.

"You unwittingly have distilled the essence of white male privilege."

Strawman. I never said racism/sexism has nothing to do with it. I simply said - and will continue to say - that continuing to focus on sexism/racism as the only cause or even the major cause (without looking at the ENTIRE picture and actually - gasp - listening to people) would be asinine at best. If Sarah Palin would

There is very little "truth" found in modern identity politics. There is a kernel of truth, but the myopic focus and the manufacture of conspiracy theories is what has killed the left's message (and what will continue to loose elections). You can't tell a bunch of people who are working just to make ends meet that

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” ~~ [generally attributed to] Albert Einstein.

The author of this piece really needs a lesson in why we live in a free country…and why that is ALWAYS better than the alternative. While I am 100% in favor of journalists doing a better job interrogating their guests - right AND left - to suggest that telling the other side(s) of the story is somehow paramount of