
I’m sorry to hear that about your girlfriend. We all want the best for our kids, but education is like any other expensive good. You live within your means by not purchasing an expensive vehicle or home, etc. Education only gets you to commencement, but as I’ve found out, where you graduate from doesn’t dictate how

I obviously don’t know squat about your specific situation. But I would strongly suggest that you consider the following options, if you haven’t already: 

It sure would be ideal if world peace existed, scarcity disappeared, free energy powered the globe, liberal policy improved society, big government worked efficiently, etc. Until we achieve that idealism through our own collective hardwork, ingenuity, and drive to provide a better life for our children and

Liberals aren’t the brightest.

Whatcha gonna drink?

Any tips on how to avoid people like you? I get so tired of this childish behavior. He is not my President. Well if he is not your President then get out. Sure the man has problems but which one of you are perfect? At least he didn’t put or Nation’s security at risk with a stupid personal email server. Cost the lives

It takes a special kind of idiot to wish the leadership of one’s nation bad luck.

Move to another country would work. We didn’t whine and cry as much as you cry babies did when Obama was elected. You all seem to forget, Obama was elected the same way, by the same process and by the people. Now that your party lost, by the same process, you are all still whining and crying. Your what’s wrong with