Lance Mannion

I agree but mostly because I don’t see how “getting back to work” aids in rehabilitation. Especially with things like this where they’re commonly rooted in pretty dark experiences growing up, there are plenty of platforms & avenues an abuser on CK’s level could seek out to not just apologize, but play a role in

Why won’t they just say “We’re sorry that the overwhelming majority of news supporting you is fake and/or from biased sources primarily because ‘supporting the president’ is not the role of the media”? Their carefully worded & mild response not only doesn’t explain anything, at least in terms this dipshit silver

I like to imagine an alternate dimension where Kanye didn’t turn into a colossal asshole after he got big.

I give it until Christmas before it becomes ad space that Papa John buys with alt-right crowdfunding for an “I accept your apology!” ad.

I stopped because it always made a mess that my (usually) drunk ass was never quite capable of fully cleaning up. They need to redesign the bags. I should be able to fit two hands in every bag of shredded cheese.

I hope this goes better than his Fox deal, which he can say was never real all he wants but tons of legitimate, firmly entrenched news outlets reported it & there’s a noticeable gap in his filmography where it seems at least one ill-fated project might be missing.

I asked the same when Cordray resigned to run for office. Frotman at least probably made the best decision since he was just giving advice that absolutely no one with any power was willing to listen to.

I understand & respect Lee’s argument (the “we’re in this fight together” idea) but I think for many it will feel like a slap in the face because it’s just such a fantasy idea of how the police work, more so now than ever since klansman & neo-nazis have been infiltrating & rising up within police departments for

I sincerely think there’s a 70% she & Trump have fucked too. She’s his type & she seems to be into old rich dirtbags & also like the “true believer” type that would’ve been down for a post-election Mar-a-Lago bumping of uglies.

Like the old dog that senses death & repeatedly pisses & shits all over the house hoping to either be put out of its misery or allowed to die in the grassy yard.

Neat. Maybe go annoy them instead.

Just a friendly reminder that there is no reason to ever share or promote an Amy Siskind tweet unless the story is about how awful she is.

This kinda shit really pisses me off. The underlying story here is that most of these are things they’re fairly certain Trump is guilty of, hence being concerned about probes, but they’re waiting until they absolutely have to do anything about it. Yet my poor cousin once had to hire a lawyer & seriously worry about

The bulk of this season was good but my main issue with it is whenever it seems like they’re finally at a point where they have the show they want & things are working they make a wrong turn. Honestly the last 2 seasons should’ve been 1 season, doing half in New Orleans & half in Angelville would’ve solved most of the

I thought it was weird too how so soon after Beadle acknowledged she no longer watches football she was gone from that show & the reason being that she needs to prepare for her NBA duties that start in the middle of fucking October.

She was SO out of place & nearly every scene with her felt so awkward. You could feel the cringe coming from within her delivering the “It’s a GOOD look” line. I get that they worried there wasn’t enough star power as Chris Hemsworth was still mostly just “The guy from the beginning of Star Trek”, but the love

LOL. I still miss my local shop but that’s exactly what that shit turned into. He was a skinny version of the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons basically. If you asked him any question & weren’t one of his friends (I think he had 3 of them) he was annoyed. I remember a friend of mine’s girlfriend went in there to get

When we’re referring to “bots” we’re talking about multiple accounts that came into existence around the same time & generally using the exact same weird ass phrases/emoji etc. Not whatever the hell it is you’re talking about.

It sounds like this started out as a sincere act of kindness then after the donations skyrocketed past what they had expected they decided it was their money & kept his drug problem in their back pocket in the event they ever got caught. Then the camper & random old SUV as cover for any potential lawsuit “Your honor,

Ding ding. I was at a family Christmas party in 2015 & an older, fairly politically ambivalent cousin said there was no way he could afford the reported premium hikes & that’s why he’d vote Republican. I couldn’t think of any counterpoint that wasn’t just “But they’re awful”, Trump even winning the primary was too