Lance Mannion

I laughed when this came out because when a friend of mine first had kids they cut cable to save money & for the first couple years of their lives they really only had his DVD & VHS collection to watch, which was pretty Disney heavy as he & his wife were & still are big Disney fans. The kids ended up getting super

I appreciate the effort but they originally lost me with the delaying the physical release to Friday the 13th for everyone, but backers would have to wait because of the special sleeve. I backed & signed up for the physical copy because I try to avoid digital games that I know I’ll want to play a lot & down the road (I

They’re just hoping for any of the following:

Another aspect of this that pisses me off to no end is you’ll always see comments/ratings for these gig companies where numerous people are saying stuff like “Just don’t make this your primary income!” like that’s anything but privileged, corporate fellating bullshit. Most of these “gigs” USED TO BE primary income for

Painting an argument you can’t deflect as coming from a biased rival is a conservative’s instinctive tactic even in the face of indisputable evidence to the contrary. They just get louder & try to drown it out then.

You just expect better from a dickhead from Kentucky whose empire began with selling shitty pizza to drunks in a bar his dad owned.

I hope Rockstar can figure it out someday soon too. I’ve wanted a current-gen Vice City for about 3 gens of consoles now. Even minus all of the 80s & Miami Vice era glitz that game was still the most fun I ever had in this franchise.

I guess everything’s “as simple as that” when you have no clue how any of it works. 

He doesn’t get to make the rules. Jerry Jones, who is way more powerful than this turds on a silver-spoon fed asshole, just ended a lengthy & costly solo pissing contest learning that for himself.  

Friendly tip to rich & influential white “non-racists”: Pointing out how much worse black people used to have things and/or people who did much worse things than you is like trying to put out a fire with a bigger fire while also grousing how the people scared by the fire were overreacting in the first place.

I am eternally grateful that Nintendo gave me a refund on this turd. I’ve had my fair share of impulse game purchase regrets over the years but few have made me as legit angry as this one did. I didn’t care for the PS4 version either but even a marginally okay WWE game I could play on the road would’ve been a fair

Very excited for all of the “Keep your politics out of your workplace!” MAGA people to complain about Bidwell doing this.

Very true. I’m not sure what more they could’ve done to sell us on a daughter’s love for her mother & reasons for wanting her back beyond the well cliched (and as mentioned, already done in another current MCU stand-alone franchise)  pre-credits flashbacks to the hero as a child spending time with their deceased or

This has gone better than I thought even at my most optimist moments. From what I’ve picked up on her personality so far I definitely think she’ll dig house sho...errr I’m sorry, LIVE EVENTS.

I’ll be honest really the only reason I had any interest in TFA was the chance to see Mark, Carrie & Harrison on screen together again. While I was always way more into Indiana Jones, Star Wars was always just this very well done 3-movie story that ended as close to perfectly as I think any film franchise can. I

He will clearly say ANYTHING at this point to try to win favor with the biggest dipshit to ever stumble assbackwards into power. I feel so bad for Alan, no doubt spending his days & nights in a combination of drooling & punching holes in his walls out of rage over being neglected.

I don’t know why Yelp doesn’t require a receipt to leave a review. If some toilet-brained Trump troll is going to try to hurt my business (however temporarily) they should at least have to pay me first. I don’t really like it the other way either. I remember going to this shitty cafe on a date once because they had a

It still feels weird to me as a lifelong Iron Man fan to see the character literally freaking everywhere for the last 10 years. The closest it ever felt to mainstream appeal he hit when I was a kid was when he was a character in the Captain America & The Avengers arcade game.

This is at least the most satisfying stage so far of WWE’s weird plan to give fans the long dreamed of Daniel Bryan comeback without actually doing anything interesting, meaningful or useful with him.

My hopes aren’t high for Dems to do anything. When it comes to confirming Trump nominees they’re mostly like the Leprechaun in the original movie when he knew they were tossing shoes around to distract him but he just couldn’t resist shining them anyway.