
“There is no reason to believe that Harder and Thiel’s battle-tested strategy for silencing critical journalism is going away any time soon.”

Did they really? Then why are we here?

I have 4 Andre Johnson jerseys* (home white, blue away rookie jersey, 2 pro bowl starter jerseys). I recently purchased a home white JJ Watt as Dre is still an active player, but no longer a Texan. I feel these will be good again if I wait a year after he retires.

Manu would like a word with you. He’s been throwing passes like this for well over a decade.

No, but I live in a city and us Uber all the time. It’s usually AT LEAST 1/2 - 1/3 off. When I have friends visit, I always refer them to AirBnB because they get a better, bigger space for less money.

What are you even arguing? That hotels and taxi companies aren’t also malicious?

No, the taxi companies are still the big guys and monopolies, as are the hotel companies. I’m glad you are rich enough to vote with your wallet on some arbitrary belief system. The fact is, Uber drivers make good money, have nicer cars, and are cheaper than taxis. AirBnB is usually 1/4 cheaper for a better rental

You have to have full coverage insurance to be an Uber driver so nice straw man.

Have you actually used AirBnB, Uber or Lyft? Because I have, and as a customer there is more value in their services for what you pay.

The only people complaining about Uber are the taxi services, not the actual Uber employees.

His dreads kind of resemble antlers in the pictures. That’s some badass hair.

Not too often, but it does happen. Referring to a group of guys as males or a group of gals at females isn’t offensive, unless you are looking to be offended. Seriously, I don’t get the hostility. If anything it sounds clinical to use male/female which should be the opposite of offensive. After all, every single

Dear god you are the very definition of a beta-male trend following consumer. You rave about your Android, but then finish the article with “whats the point of even owning Android anymore”?

Immersion blender, heavy whipping cream. This is the best butter. Add salt, honey, herbs, or anything you like, but on its own it’s magical.

LSH is not happening. Let it go...

Couldn’t help yourself, could you?

My god you are a douche bag. It was on the top of the front page you fucking idiot, yet here you are doubling down on “no it wasn’t”.

Wow, where to start with this garbage take...

God you’re a douche who’s obviously never lived in an area that gets this kind of weather.

That makes you an asshole (especially with an ATM outside). Sounds more like you were embarrassed to use the ATM and go back to get your food. People who expect restaurants to take ATM cards are pricks. Get a fucking check card already, stop being a child.