Lance Cole

One of the greatest things about the internet, is no matter how hard you personally try to 'unlist' yourself, you have 4-friends who want to talk about you anyhow. My wife and I had a contest one night (we're in or near our 60's), to see how many 'high school friends' we could 'look up'. I was trying 'direct Google',

Nevermind, I see now that the unspoken (and unwritten) missing piece that is causing so much trouble to the offered-chart is the fact that from the base-point ancestor, the vertical and horizontal line MUST BE the direct decendency of that origin ancestor. So, from 'common ancestor', the vertical 'child' would be the

Chart is SERIOUSLY wrong, and I'll explain. If I have a great-grandmother, let's call her Ann, has me (Lance) as a great-grandchild, and she has a grandchild, let's call her Mary, then the chart says that association would be my First Cousin, once removed. In reality, she is my mother. The chart is wrong, if you plug

The only law I know of that is hidden, but exists in 'most states' is the 3-day rule, and that is when there is not a brick-and-mortar representation (whether it's online, or a guy driving around in a car with encyclopedias in the back), you have 3-regular business days to get a complete refund, unquestioned. I

This list is automatically debunked because you have not listed Edge Gel (yet you insist on the lame myth of Barbisol). I have a beard that looks like a shadow 2-seconds after a shave. In less than 2-weeks, I can grow 3/4-inch of full-beard (from eyeballs to chest-line). Shaving with Barbisol is like trying to use

This list is automatically debunked because you have not listed Edge Gel (yet you insist on the lame myth of

Well, 3-years after-the-fact (of this article), I have to say since Yahoo and Google took down their 'personalized home pages' (which still stinks), the only 'configurable home page' I could find (that works much like a news aggregator) is PROTOPAGE. Go to and set up an account, then configure what you

And yet again, just more validation as to why I will NEVER voluntarily do ANYTHING related to 'cloud computing' if at all possible. Since 'cloud' became the new 'in-thing' to do, it appears we have had more cyber-crime than for the previous 30-years combined. This cannot be coincidental.

Forget what anyone says, if they say a brown recluse bite is 'easily survivable'. Their bite causes a severe necrosis, and the level of 'distribution' is the real issue that can cause complications (from my doctor). I have been bitten by the things three times in 30 years, and each time the bite is painful, then

OR, you could just use Firefox to start with, to avoid Google's spygame and simultaneously have a decent download engine that doesn't crash. What a concept.

The fad of smaller-and-smaller apartments is always mind-boggling. They are almost down to the point of jail-cells now. Why would you EVER want an apartment that could double as a linen closet? I would rather drive an extra 5-miles for the sake of a few hundred more square feet. There is a point that space-vs-driving

I personally don't know of a single guy who would miss the advantage of this, by picking on you 10x worse than they do already. This should have been clarified as 'ways to defuse relationship stress when going to bed with that person is high on your list of preferred activities'. As far as daily social interaction, do

Had these rules been followed by America in 1941, we'd all be speaking German right now. Seriously, this is akin to 'the coward's rules to always winning at warfare', and leaves nothing but perpetual psychological games and perpetual political spin as the result. I grew up in a house like that, I'd rather have been

At $12 for 15g of Sugru, I can easily say that it is far cheaper to just keep a pack of screwdrivers handy, or if you must have a single 'multi-tool', that JB-Weld has been doing this type of job far longer with obvious advantages to Sugru. A simple RV window crank (for Jelousy windows) for $3, and 55-grams of JB Weld

Several have already hit the nail on the head, the car is nothing but an extension of the lead-foot driving it in most cases. The WRX isn't a surprise, but I have to say that the Topaz was. VERY surprising a few others didn't make the list, like the 300, the Camaro, the Charger and the eternally-favored Mustang. I

One item was seriously overlooked from the chart, and that is LOAD RATING. Very often, GAWR, GVWR and GCWR are overlooked when it comes to light trucks, and worst of all, few tires are made now with load ratings above 'D'. In light vehicles, it is rare to find a load rating above 2400-lbs for a tire, and with two

One item was seriously overlooked from the chart, and that is LOAD RATING. Very often, GAWR, GVWR and GCWR are overlooked when it comes to light trucks, and worst of all, few tires are made now with load ratings above 'D'. In light vehicles, it is rare to find a load rating above 2400-lbs for a tire, and with two

I have to admit, through 4 different colleges (and thousands of 'library-hours' spent at them, my local public library has facilities, books and features that I really don't believe any of the university facilities could compare to. Yes, there is about 20-years between my last 'school' efforts and now, but our public

Look, if you are a credit risk, you are a credit risk. Most landlords who will run a credit report on you prior to renting are not going to be swayed by 'offer Direct Deposit' to them. Look at it from their position, would you take direct deposit payments from a credit risk? Why would you accept a promise of

I fully agree, and with living in one of the Southwest cities on the list, I can say that one MAJOR oversight is the terrible crime rate for our area. If I wasn't retired and already 'settled in', I would NOT live here. You can count gunfire at night instead of sheep, if you can sleep. Make SURE you check the crime

Truthfully, this is NOT a bad idea (the compressor concept). In reality, flats rarely happen on a warm, dry day near a park and a phone. They happen at 1-AM, in the rain, on a 40-deg F day, in the worst area you could pick (middle of Sonoran Desert, anyone?). A spare tire relies on a LOT of extra stuff. It takes a