Lance Cole

Obviously, you have never worked in Unix, the 'non-babysitter' OS. If you tell it 'DELETE', it does not second-guess you that you actually meant to DELETE something. UNIX - the OS for 'big people'.

I've remodeled a half-dozen old houses that were built pre-1965, and without a doubt, I have to say, this reoccurring urban myth (fabric softener wallpaper remover) does NOT work on most papers of vintage age. The old papers (that used an interlaced fabric or textile string in their composition) usually DO NOT soften

Cucurbitacin is a mild plant alkali, and is the reason it is 'bitter'. Rubbing the ends may affect the weak ionic bonds in some way, though American 'Southern' cooking offers another way that this has been 'traditionally' neutralized. A dish called 'cucumbers and onions' is prepared by slicing both vegetables and

Without a doubt, and 40-years of banking, Capital One is the WORST bank I've ever dealt with. I've unfortunately had to bank with them twice (due to constant moving related to contract work, where they were the 'only' bank in town with 'modern' features and cross-state access), but overall, several banks didn't make

As a retired Director of Engineering having hired over 500-degreed Mechanical Engineers in my professional career, I always appreciated the best well-thought-out resumes. I never 'threw out' 2-3 page resumes, and found great humor (and even interest) in witty statements. That said, a pain letter can work for you, or

Maybe my local stores will one day stop carrying all those 'never-sells' size ZERO womens clothes, and size 32 x 30 mens pants, and then I can stop buying online, and return to buying from brick-and-mortar again. Until then, it's online for clothes, and most-likely, Amazon. Same for about 12,000 other items that it

This project is a very difficult one to accomplish, if you can't get a 'minnow bucket' as a styrofoam insulating liner. My wife drove me crazy on this, until I broke down and bought her a $30 5-gallon Rubbermaid cooler to make it out of! The good part, is that yes, it does work, and efficiently (for those days when

A while back, I got together with a few friends, and the talk turned into what I fondly refer to as 'philosophical drinking', it also took us down that crazy avenue of 'after-apocalypse-survival'. Of the many subjects that came up (like that really scary one, what do you do AFTER toilet paper?), was the subject of

A while back, I got together with a few friends, and the talk turned into what I fondly refer to as 'philosophical drinking', it also took us down that crazy avenue of 'after-apocalypse-survival'. Of the many subjects that came up (like that really scary one, what do you do AFTER toilet paper?), was the subject of

Almost 60, I remember being 7 and wandering for miles. At 10 years old, I had a homemade minibike that I spent more time pushing than driving, due to constantly (it seemed) being out of gas. The only concern then was 'not getting hit on the roads', to which we normally stayed away from. That society has changed so

Crock Pots are a beast unto themselves. For any 'soak overnight' bean, simply put in a regular pot, bring to a boil, then pour into your crock with ham, salt, flavorings, whatever. In 5-6 hours, depending on the bean, they are flavored, tender and ready-to-eat.

Interesting article. Many years ago, my wife and I had this same epiphany when her family 'expected' us to travel almost 2,000 miles for 'family holiday time'. I simply asked her, 'instead of bankrupting us, would your family do the same and come here at our demands?' Though close to her family, she turned the

Interesting article. Many years ago, my wife and I had this same epiphany when her family 'expected' us to travel almost 2,000 miles for 'family holiday time'. I simply asked her, 'instead of bankrupting us, would your family do the same and come here at our demands?' Though close to her family, she turned the

Actually, if you take Engineering Law in college (a singular class, normally given to graduate Engineers and Lawyers finishing a specialty in engineering or architecture), you learn that most contracts, if extreme, are rather easily broken in court later. I actually was involved in a case where the employer had a

Actually, if you take Engineering Law in college (a singular class, normally given to graduate Engineers and Lawyers finishing a specialty in engineering or architecture), you learn that most contracts, if extreme, are rather easily broken in court later. I actually was involved in a case where the employer had a

Been trying to apply all of these tenants to Climate Change, but no matter how much you ask for supporters to 'just shut up and show me your data with validation of its source', you get some SERIOUS hokum-pokum about this and that expert, but strangely, NO ONE HAS THE ACTUAL GREEN-BAR-DATA that can actually be

If this really worked, most 'conspiracists' would be seen as 'investigatively sane' and most 'mainstream people' would be realized for the absolute detached rocks that they are. Come on, really, from 9/11 to 'Cloud Security' to NSA following the Law, and so much more. Most people couldn't tell you that Shrek really

FORGET wax on clothes. The only thing wax belongs on is leather and canvas footwear. If you want BREATHEABLE waterproofing, use a silicone spray. WD40 works, but so does scotchguard and many other ones. Even sprayable PAM cooking spray (pure canola oil) will waterproof clothes, without sealing the pores.

This parable of time management goes to show, that you can do 8-things half-assed in about as much time as you can do one thing completely. THIS is the lesson learned from the 'known-for-years' concept of multi-tasking. This is also where the mayo jar lesson first came from. In the end, you end up with a bunch of

I wholeheartedly agree with a communicable diseases check, possibly so simple as a 'hooker card' for weekly checks. SURELY NY could pull that off (state law, no updated card, NO FIGHTING, period)? As for someone stepping into a ring after the doctor told them not to fight for a month, or a year, or whatever; or even